Page:Lazarev 2020a D.scabricolle web.pdf/20

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antennal joints red, or only 1st antennal joint red; white strokes near elytral base usually absent; females usually androchromal; body length in males: 10.6-13.7 mm, width: 4.5-5.0 mm; body length in females: 11.6-15.6 mm, width: 5.0-6.3 mm.

Materials. Holotype, male, Armenia, Noravan environs, 39°32΄15΄΄N, 46°07΄56΄΄E, 2000 m, 11.5.2015, A.Rubenyan leg. – MD; 110 paratypes; 4 males, 3 females with same label – MD; 3 males, Armenia, 4 km W Sisian Pass, 39°42΄17΄΄N, 45°40΄40΄΄E, 2000 m, 7.5.2015, A.Rubenyan leg. – MD; 1 male, 1 female, Armenia, Vorotan [Sisian] pass [most probably westwards the pass], 2100 m, 21.4.1983, V.Yanushev – SM; 23 males, 5 females, 3 km SE Ishkhanasar, 39°33΄2.03΄΄N, 46°4΄27.22΄΄E, 1902 m, 14.5.2011, A.Rubenyan leg. – MD; 39 males, 30 females, Armenia, E Sisian vill. 39°30΄55΄΄N, 46°10΄22΄΄E, 2100 m, 19.5.2014 (1 male), 30.5.2014, 25.4.2017, V.Skoupý & P.Stěpánek – ML, VS, PS.

Distribution. Armenia, north-east part of Zangezur Range.

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle vaykense, ssp. n.

Figs 17-19

Type locality. Armenia, Vayk environs, 3.6 km northwards Zaritap, 39°40΄11΄΄N, 45°30΄28΄΄E, 1300 m. Diagnosis. Body moderately narrow; antennae black with 1st joint red; lateral thoracic spines short but distinct; pronotum strongly shining, with sparse, scattered punctation; humeral elytral stripe narrow with regular margins; legs totally red; white strokes near elytral base can be distinct in females only; females androchromal or autochromal; body length in males: 13.0-14.0 mm, width: 5.0-6.0 mm; body length in females: 14.0-15.0 mm, width: 6.0-7.0 mm.

Materials. Holotype, male, Armenia, Vayk environs, 3.6 km northwards Zaritap, 39°40΄11΄΄N, 45°30΄28΄΄E, 1300 m, 25.4.2017, V.Skoupý leg. – ML; 17 paratypes; 5 males, 8 females, with same label – ML, VS, PS; 4 males, Armenia, NW Martiros, 39°36΄25΄΄N, 45°28΄22E, 1800 m, 18.5.2014, V.Skoupý leg. – VS.

Distribution. Armenia, Ayodzor Range, Marz Vayots Dzor.