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Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle dobrovljanskii Suvorov, 1915

Figs 35-36

Dorcadion dobrovljanskii Suvorov, 1915: 116 – “Эриванская губ.: сел. Куки” [Erivan Reg., Kuki village].

Dorcadion (Autodorcadion) sevangense, Plavilstshikov, 1958: 219, 221, part. (= dobrovljanskii Suv.)

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) dobrovljanskii, Danilevsky, 2010a: 44, 2010b: 246 – Turkey; Lazarev, 2016: 250 (wrong designation of holotype as lectotype and wrong designations of paralectotypes – the original description was based on a single specimen).

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle dobrovljanskii, Lazarev, 2019: 1307.

Type locality. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Kyukyu village [about 39°31΄27΄΄N, 45°37΄18΄΄E].

Diagnosis. Prothorax in males and in females from densely to rather sparsely punctated with single dots and irregular sculpture; the most sparse punctation is in the holotype; elytra in the holotype and in the male designated (but not published) as “typ. m.” glabrous and shining (washed off, as it was supposed by Plavilstshikov, 1958) with regular narrow sutural and humeral stripes; two other males with black ground pubescence and wide white areas similar to D. s. nakhiczevanum; one female (originally designated as “cotype”, but not published) with narrow humeral lines, but sutural line irregular, widened posteriorly; fine black ground pubescence distinct; another female with wide white areas is similar to D. s. nakhiczevanum, but pronotal punctation very dense; body length in males: 13.1-14.1 mm, width: 4.8-5.1 mm; body length in females: 13.8-14.7 mm, width: 5.5-6.4 mm.

Type materials. Holotype, male [length: 13.1 mm, width: 4.8 mm] (elytra shining, without ground pubescence – washed off?) with 5 labels and golden ring: 1) “Erivansk. g. / сел. Кюки [Kyuki] / Maljushenco.”; 2) “Dorcadion ♂ / dobrovlanskii / Typ. m. / G. Suvorov det.”; 3) [red] “LECTOTYPUS / Dorcadion / dobrovljanskii / Suvorov, 1915 / Lazarev det. 2016”; 4) [red] “HOLOTYPUS / Dorcadion / dobrovljanskii / Suvorov, 1915”; 5) [pink] “Zoomuzey MGU (Moskva, ROSSIYA) [in Russian] / № ZMMU Col 02965 / Zool. Mus. Mosq. Univ. / (Mosquae, ROSSIA) / ex coll. N. N. Plavilstshikov”. – ZMM.