Page:Lazarev 2020a D.scabricolle web.pdf/52

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Note. A population from Ulu-Dagh Mt. was recorded as three different subspecies: D. s. balikesirense and D. s. corpulentum by Breuning & Villiers (1967) and D. s. uludaghicum Breuning, 1970. According to Özdikmen, (2007; 2010) two subspecies are known in Ulu-Dagh Mt. As far as the type localities of D. s. balikesirense and D. s. uludaghicum are strongly distant it is necessary to accept for Ulu-Dagh Mt. D. s. uludaghicum Breuning, 1970 only, and for Balikesir prov. D. s. balikesirense.

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle inonuense, ssp. n.

Fig 113

Type locality. Turkey: Eskişehir province, westwards Eskişehir, northwards Inönü [about 39°48΄N, 30°08΄E].

Diagnosis. Body long and narrow; legs totally red, as well as 1st antennal joint; prothorax with short but distinct lateral spines; pronotum with sparse irregular punctation, without wrinkles; elytra black with very narrow white regular stripes; basal white elytral strokes absent; body length: 13.5-14.6 mm, width: 5.1-5.2 mm.

Materials. Holotype, male, Turkey, W Eskişehir, N Inönü, 27.4.1996, S.Kadlec leg. – MD; 6 paratypes; 1 male with same label – NMP; 1 male, TR (n. Eskişehir), Hekimdağ env., 28.4.1996, S.Kadlec leg. – NMP; 4 males, Turkey, Eskişehir prov., Bozdağ, 1000-1300 m, Hekimdağ env., 6-7.4.1989, W.Heinz – VS.

Distribution. Turkey: two localities are known in western Eskişehir province: northwards Inönü [about 39°48΄N, 30°08΄E] and Hekimdağ environs [about 39°54΄N, 30°33΄E].

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle gazii, ssp. n.

Figs 114-117

Type locality. Turkey, Eskişehir province, Seyitgazi environs [about 39°26΄44΄΄N 30°41΄38΄΄E].

Diagnosis. Body moderatly long and narrow; legs totally red, as well as 1st antennal joint; prothorax with short but distinct lateral spines; pronotum in males very smooth and shining, often without punctures at all; in females with very fine dense punctation; elytra in males