Page:Lazarev 2020a D.scabricolle web.pdf/72

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Figs 44-48. Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle nakhiczevanum Danilevsky, 1999: 44 – Holotype, male with 2 labels: 1) “Нах. АССР / Батабад 4.6.1982 / М.Данилевский” [Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan Republic, south slope of Bichenek pass (Batabad), 2100 m, 4.6.1982, M.Danilevsky leg.]; 2) [red] “HOLOTYPUS / D. scabricolle / nakhiczevanum ssp.n. / det. M.Danilevsky 1997”; 45 – Labels of the holotype; 46 – Paratype, male, Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan Republic, south slope of Bichenek pass (Batabad), 2100 m, 25.5.1982, M.Danilevsky leg.; 47-48 – Paratypes, females, Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan Republic, south slope of Bichenek pass (Batabad), 2100 m, 4.6.1982, M. Danilevsky leg.

Figs 49-54. Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle paiz Danilevsky, 1999: 49 – Holotype, male with 2 labels: 1) “Нах. АССР / Паиз 22.4.1982 / М.Данилевский” [Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan Republic, Paiz environs, 1300 m, 22.4.1982, M.Danilevsky leg.]; 2) [red] “HOLOTYPUS / D. scabricolle / paiz ssp.n. / det. M.Danilevsky 1997”; 50 – Labels of the holotype; 51 – Paratype, male with same label; 52-54 – Paratypes, females with same labels.