Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/260

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but many of these will not believe, though belief encompass them around, and though all the works of Christ lay open before them.' Then the Spirit added: 'This is thy last night in Hades, and we must return, for thou must pray ere thou rejoin thy body.'

"Then meekly I took him by the hand, and we rose once more straight through the air, like arrows shot upward from a bow; and while we rose thus swiftly, yet could we hear the wailing and the gnashing of teeth and the howling of those beneath; and I said: 'I would the Christ saw not such sights.' But he answered: 'He will spare Himself no suffering, but drink the cup of bitterness to the dregs.'

"And after that the Spirit of Truth bade me depart; and at his words I wept, for a great fear came upon me; I feared to live again after that which I had seen. I clung to the Spirit of Truth and I said: 'Leave me not alone, I pray thee, in the valley of the shadow of death.' And it seemed to me, Mary, that thy voice sang to me the words that thou didst sing when I was at the point of death: 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff do comfort me.' And a great peace came over me and I fell asleep.

"When I awoke I was once more outside the road of Jericho near to Bethany beneath the olive groves; and I saw the face of Jesus and the disciples, and I saw thee and Martha and the Jews who came to wail and mourn. And at the sight of Jesus' face my strength returned, and I said inwardly: 'If Thou canst die for me, then I can live for Thee.'