Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/192

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“Of course not, because no one would ever think of our wanting to do such a thing. I noticed that you did not divulge your plans to Julia, and you did n’t say a word to your mother.”

“Neither did you.”

“Well, Brenda Barlow, you are unfair. I could n’t say a word, because you made me promise not to. But honestly I felt just like talking to Julia about it. She always gives such good advice.”

“Oh, well, if you feel so particular, you’d better not come with me. I do hate such squeamish people.”

“Oh, I would n’t turn back on any account. If anything is going to happen to you, it might as well happen to me, too. ‘United we stand, divided we fall;’ so let’s not really quarrel until this expedition is over—unless you will give it up now.”

“No, I can’t now. I’m devoured with curiosity about those people. Their tents are close to the road, so that I don’t think that there is the least danger.”

“Well, I hope not.”

“There’s one reason why I wish that we were not going. The day is so warm. I wish that it were a little cooler It’s strange how heated one grows on a bicycle. We ’re not riding so very fast.”

The expedition on which the two friends had started was one of which Mrs. Barlow would have disapproved very strongly. Indeed, had she known that they intended to visit a gypsy encampment she would have forbidden their going. But Brenda, during the early part of the week, had