Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/280

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that I am to spend two or three days at Manchester on my way home. I ’ll drop a line to Edith not to refresh her memory, and when I arrive she ’ll be taken by surprise.”

Accordingly, when Julia presented herself at Mrs. Blair’s dinner-table a few days after this, Brenda really was very much surprised.

“How in the world did you get over from the station? Edith and I could have met you, for we were out driving.” Then, noting a smile on Philip’s face, “Oh, I suppose Philip went over. Well, I dare say that that was pleasanter, still you might have let me know.”

“Why, you silly girl,” cried Edith, “how forgetful you are! It was all arranged before you left Rockley. Julia promised to give me two or three days on her way back from Maine.”

“Oh, I remember we talked of it. But I thought that she would n’t tear herself away from Eliza until the last minute.”

“I told her that she must go with us on that excursion to-morrow, and here she is,” and Edith threw her arm affectionately around Julia’s waist.

The next morning, by an early train, Ralph Weston arrived.

“When I heard that it was to be a pilgrimage I dropped everything and just came,” he said. “You see, I must know all that I can about this wonderful North Shore,” he said. “I’m going to be a tremendous patriot when I return to Paris, and I can’t afford to neglect any oppor-