Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/293

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question Mrs. Rosa about various things, following, indeed, certain suggestions that Miss South had made; and she was very glad to find from Mrs. Rosa’s answers that the change had really been to the great advantage of the whole family, and that Angelina was the only one who longed for the city.

“When winter comes, it will be harder for you all,” she said to Mrs. Rosa; “but we will see that you have plenty of fuel for your fire, and if you have enough to eat, and can keep warm, why, it seems to me, that you ought to be contented.”

“Oh, yes, indeed. Miss,” replied Mrs. Rosa,—who could understand English rather better than she could speak it,—“Oh, yes, Miss; and if Angelina don’t like it I ’ll just whip her.”

“Oh, no, she’s too old to be whipped—”

“There, Julia,” cried Brenda, “we have n’t opened that box; we left it out on the steps.”

Running to the door, Brenda found Manuel keeping guard over the box. When Brenda asked for it, he lifted it in his arms—and although it was not a large box, it made a good armful for him—and carried it to a table in the house. Brenda left the children to exclaim over the various little gifts that she had brought, and with some impatience she tore open the envelope of photographs that she had brought from town.

“There, Mrs. Rosa, I want you to see these pictures of Rockley, and other places on the shore. I took them myself, and sometime I ’m going to make some pic-