Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/327

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“As it is a day affair, and as Fritz will be with you, I have no hesitation in letting you go without me,” and with this decision Amy had had to be content. Mrs. Redmond had not been invited to the reception, although Fritz had been asked to it; and the way in which he happened to get his invitation was rather strange.

“You see, when I discovered uncle Josiah looking at that big, fat envelope directed to papa, I suspected that it was something that might concern me. It had been sent to papa’s club, and instead of forwarding it to Labrador, they had sense enough to forward it to me. So when I opened it,—uncle Josiah hesitated about putting it into my hands,—behold, there was the invitation to this very Barlow wedding, and a note from Mr. Weston, asking papa to be sure to come if he was in this part of the world, and bring his little boy. I smiled out loud when I read that. I think he thought I was a little boy in petticoats. It seems Mr. Weston and papa once travelled together in Europe for two or three months, and consider themselves great chums. Well, I had some work to make uncle Josiah understand the situation; but finally he understood, and I’m thankful that I was able to persuade him to get me one Sunday best suit last spring, without knickerbockers. So here I am, ready to offer my escort to Miss Amy Redmond on that auspicious occasion, and say, Amy, I ’ve ordered some flowers for you; I knew they’d be all gone if we waited until the last thing to get them.”

“Why, it’s very good in you to think of a thing like that!”