Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/340

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Mr. Barlow’s grounds, where the ground was just marshy enough to produce those mushrooms.

“Mushroom-hunting at a party, and all these girls sitting by themselves! Well, well, it was n’t so when I was a boy!” exclaimed Mr. Elston, who had been a rather amused observer of the interview between Ben and Fritz and the girls.

“Oh, we can get on very well by ourselves,” said Nora, independently.

Following her cue, Amy added, “Why, no, I haven’t missed them at all.”

At this moment Edith came out on the piazza, followed by Julia.

“Agnes has gone upstairs,” she said, in a tone which, though meant for Brenda, was still heard by the others.

With a hasty exclamation of surprise, Brenda hastened into the house, and then the others began to speculate whether the absence of Philip and Tom and the other college men might not mean mischief. The older guests by this time had almost all said good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, and the house within was quite deserted. Agnes’s especial friends had waited to see her off, and Brenda had made Edith and Nora and her own particular set stay too.

“Agnes and mamma really wish it, so that her going off will seem as bright and jolly as possible.” Presently Philip and the other missing youths came out on the piazza, endeavoring to look so sedate that they were immediately requested by the girls to give an account of their mischief.