Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/343

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It was hardly more than a week after the wedding, one bright September morning, when Julia and Brenda, under the guidance of Amy, set out for their day in Salem. They were to meet Miss South at the station in Salem, and starting out from that point, hoped to see everything of interest in the old town.

“We ’re at your mercy, Amy,” said Miss South, good-naturedly. “You can tell us almost anything you wish abodt the witches, or the old houses, and we—or at least I—cannot contradict you. I have never been here before, and although I have a guide-book with me, I have not had time to look into it.”

“Let us see just where we are now,” and Julia took the book gently from Miss South.

“Why, the famous Town Pump used to stand almost exactly on this very spot,” and Julia, coming to a stop, planted her foot firmly on a piece of brick sidewalk that formed a kind of triangle in the middle of the street.

“There on our left,—I’m altering Holmes a little,—” said Miss' South,—

“‘ There on our left, the slender spires,
And glittering vanes, that crown
The home of Salem’s frugal sires.
The old, witch-haunted town.’”