Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/350

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Miss South and Julia turned away reluctantly; Amy more readily, because she had seen all these things before; while Brenda was impatient to go once more in the street. Her thoughts were really turned toward the Custom House neighborhood.

While the others lingered for a moment to look at some of the portraits in the hall, Julia asked a question or two of the librarian.

“We ’ve a number of very interesting log-books uptairs,” Miss South heard him say; “and if you cared to spend the time some day, why I’d be very happy to have you see them.”

In answer to her teacher’s look of inquiry, Julia said that she was rather anxious to see some of the journals kept by the old sea-captains, of which she understood that the Institute owned a great many.

“I think that I might spend a day in Salem by myself some time,” she said.

“There certainly could be no objection to it,” said Miss South. “Now,” continued the latter, “the next thing on the programme is luncheon;” and although the girls protested that they were not very hungry, she took them to a neat little restaurant, where they found enough to eat, even if the variety might have been greater.

“Now for the Custom House!” cried Brenda, when they had finished.

“Why not say Miguel Silva at once,” interposed Julia; “we won’t care.”

“Well, we might as well go there and get him off our