Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/55

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examinations this hot weather. Do you know, I think that that is what prevents my going to College! If I could only get in without examinations, or if they would have them in December instead of June.”

“At Christmas time! why, Nora, just think how it would interfere with everything!”

“Well, it would n’t interfere with any of your doings, Brenda Barlow, as you are not intending to go to College.”

“Ah, you would n’t like it yourself, Nora,” and thus the girls talked over all the happenings of the past month. For although it was little more than four weeks since they had last seen each other, they both said that it had seemed “a perfect age,” and they chattered so fast that it was indeed a wonder that either one of them could understand what was said.

“Still it’s only a month, or a little more than a month, since the Shiloh picnic,” said Norah, as they sat there talking.

“Well, it seems ever so much longer. I wish that we could have a picnic down here. We must plan lots of things while you stay. There has n’t been much going on this month, because people have been later than usual coming down; but by the Fourth every one will be here. Cousin Edward will be sure to take us out on his yacht. I told you about the Seventeenth, did n’t I—in my letter?”

“Oh, yes; it must have been great fun.”

“Ah, here’s a note from Frances!” exclaimed Brenda,