Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/59

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“Now that’s very different,” and Nora’s bright voice was a pleasant contrast to Brenda’s fretful tone. “There’s no reason, is there, Mrs. Barlow, why we should n’t go down in the train to Lynn, and meet Edith there? ”

“Oh, no; but I should n’t care to have you go over in the omnibus to Nahant.”

“Oh, but it would be such fun.”

“Yes, but I think that a carriage would be better. I could telephone to have one meet you at the station.”

“But just suppose Edith expects to go in the omnibus,—could n’t we go with her ? ”

“Well, I will leave it all to Edith. That is, you may do as she does. Possibly Frances has arranged it all with her.”

The next morning, accordingly, Brenda and Nora found themselves on the train bound for Lynn. It was a crowded local train, and they had some trouble in getting a seat. But they rather enjoyed the rush and flurry, and the novelty (at least to Brenda) of travelling alone. Nora was more accustomed to journeying by herself, and had even gone once from Boston to Intervale unaccompanied. She was therefore a good traveller, and had her ticket ready for the conductor, and rescued Brenda’s from the floor, where the careless girl had dropped it. The two friends laughed and chatted, and were almost sorry that the journey was to be so short, when suddenly the engine gave those two sharp whistles which are always alarming, and many passengers jumped to their feet. Brenda clutched Nora’s arm excitedly, for the train seemed to