Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/81

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July uncommonly lively. Let me see, I believe that Teddy singed both of his eyebrows last Fourth, and got a spark in his eye that we thought at first might destroy the sight, and Rupert was hit in the head by a rocket, and had to be revived by a pailful of water, and Jim Buller, who was visiting us, broke his arm by falling off the roof of a shed where he had been sitting and waving a flag enthusiastically, and—”

“Oh, what a chapter of horrors!” cried Julia. “If we should try, I am sure that we could n’t equal it here at Rockley.”

“We ’ll have plenty of fireworks,” said Brenda.

“And if we could borrow a small boy or two,” added Nora.

“There’s Fritz,” responded Brenda. “But then he might n’t like to be called a small boy.”

“Who’s Fritz?” asked Julia.

“Well, I don’t know exactly,” answered Brenda; “he’s some kind of a friend of Amy.”

“Oh, yes,” said Julia.

“Who is Amy?” asked Nora.

“I don’t believe that Brenda knows much more about Amy than she does about Fritz,” said Julia, “unless you ’ve called on her during my absence?” and she looked questioningly at Brenda.

“No, I have n’t,” replied Brenda, a little shortly; “but I ’ve seen her once. I ’ll tell you about it some time. It would bore Nora to hear about a girl she has never seen.