Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/83

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boarders in town Angelina will feel less lonely. But I am afraid that she will never find Shiloh as gay as Hanover Street. Hoping to see you soon at Marblehead,

Sincerely yours,
Lydia South.

Milton, June 20.

“Well, I declare,” said Brenda, when Julia had finished the letter, “how ungrateful Angelina is after all we have done for her. The idea of her wishing to live in that wretched place again—with mice running about, and all kinds of disagreeable things. Ugh!”

Julia laughed at Brenda’s disgusted expression.

“I don’t suppose that Angelina is exactly longing for the mice; by this time she has probably forgotten them. But you see she has always lived in the city, and she naturally finds the country a trifle dull.”

“Dull!” and Brenda gave a sniff of disdain. “I hope that she ’ll have so much work to do this summer that she won’t have time to know whether she’s dull or gay.”

“Why, Brenda, how you are progressing! To advocate hard work for any one! The next thing you ’ll be looking for work for yourself.”

Brenda took this chaffing in good part. There was never a real sting in anything that Nora said.

“No, indeed,” she responded. “It may be a long time before I advocate work for myself. It’s one thing to prescribe medicine, and altogether another to take it one’s self.”

“Oh, well, Angelina is not thirteen yet. We can’t