Page:Leaves of Grass (1860).djvu/446

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Leaves of Grass.

The father holds his grown or ungrown son in his
arms with measureless love, and the son holds
the father in his arms with measureless love,
The white hair of the mother shines on the white
wrist of the daughter,
The breath of the boy goes with the breath of the
man, friend is inarmed by friend.
The scholar kisses the teacher, and the teacher kisses
the scholar—the wronged is made right.
The call of the slave is one with the master's call, and
the master salutes the slave.
The felon steps forth from the prison—the insane
becomes sane—the suffering of sick persons is
The sweatings and fevers stop—the throat that was
unsound is sound—the lungs of the consumptive
are resumed—the poor distressed head is free.
The joints of the rheumatic move as smoothly as ever,
and smoother than ever,
Stiflings and passages open—the paralyzed become
The swelled and convulsed and congested awake to
themselves in condition.
They pass the invigoration of the night, and the
chemistry of the night, and awake.

56.I too pass from the night,
I stay a while away. O night, but I return to you
again, and love you.

57.Why should I be afraid to trust myself to you?
I am not afraid—I have been well brought forward
by you,