Page:Leaves of Grass (1882).djvu/10

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Virginia—the West 230
City of Ships 230
The Centenarian's Story 231
Cavalry Crossing a Ford 235
Bivouac on a Mountain Side 235
An Army Corps on the March 236
By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame 236
Come Up from the Fields Father 236
Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night 238
A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest 239
A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim 240
As Toilsome I Wander'd Virginia's Woods 240
Not the Pilot 241
Year that Trembled and Reel'd Beneath Me 241
The Wound-Dresser 241
Long, too Long America 244
Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun 244
Dirge for Two Veterans 246
Over the Carnage Rose Prophetic a Voice 247
I Saw Old General at Bay 247
The Artilleryman's Vision 248
Ethiopia Saluting the Colors 249
Not Youth Pertains to Me 249
Race of Veterans 250
World Take Good Notice 250
O Tan-Faced Prairie-Boy 250
Look Down Fair Moon 250
Reconciliation 250
How Solemn as One by One 251
As I Lay with My Head in Your Lap Camerado 251
Delicate Cluster 252
To A Certain Civilian 252
Lo, Victress on the Peaks 252
Spirit whose Work is Done 253
Adieu to a Soldier 253
Turn O Libertad 254
To the Leaven'd Soil They Trod 254
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd 255
O Captain, My Captain 262
Hush'd be the Camps To-day 263
This Dust was Once the Man 263
By Blue Ontario's Shore 264
Reversals 276
As Consequent 277
The Return of the Heroes 278
There was a Child Went Forth 282
Old Ireland 284
The City Dead-House 284
This Compost 285
To A Foil'd European Revolutionaire 287
Unnamed Lands 288
Song of Prudence 289