Page:Leaves of Grass (1882).djvu/7

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One's-Self I Sing 9
As I Ponder'd in Silence 9
In Cabin'd Ships at Sea 10
To Foreign Lands 11
To A Historian 11
To Thee Old Cause 11
Eidólons 12
For Him I Sing 14
When I Read the Book 14
Beginning My Studies 14
Beginners 15
To The States 15
On Journeys through The States 15
To a Certain Cantatrice 16
Me Imperturbe 16
Savantism 16
The Ship Starting 16
I Hear America Singing 17
What Place is Besieged? 17
Still though the One I Sing 17
Shut not Your Doors 17
Poets to Come 18
To You 18
Thou Reader 18
Starting from Paumanok 18
Song of Myself 29
To The Garden the World 79
From Pent-up Aching Rivers 79
I Sing the Body Electric 81
A Woman Waits for Me 88
Spontaneous Me 89
One Hour to Madness and Joy 91
Out of the Rolling Ocean the Crowd 92
Ages and Ages Returning at Intervals 92
We Two, How Long We were Fool'd 93
Hymen! O Hymenee! 93
I am He that Aches with Love 93
Native Moments 94
Once I Pass'd through a Populous City 94
I Heard You Solemn-Sweet Pipes of the Organ 94
Facing West from California's Shores 95
As Adam Early in the Morning 95