Cato, 25
Caussin, Jesuit, 116, 178
Cavendish, report of Parliamentary debates, 276
Celibacy of the clergy, 90
Celle, Duke of, 266
Cervera, 153
Cervina, elevation to the Papacy, 121-2
Cesarini, Cardinal, 90
Chaise, Père La, 214
Champel, 135
Charlemagne, 82
Charles, Archduke of Austria, 186, 252, 260, 262
Charles I. of England—
Charles I. of Spain. (See also Charles V.)—
Charles II. of England—
Charles II. of Spain—
Charles V., Emperor—
Charles VI., Emperor, protects Alexis, 283; policy, 290; death, 291
Charles VIII. of France—
Charles IX. of France—
Charles XII. of Sweden, 280, 281
Charlottenburg, 300
Chatham, Earl of—
Chatillon, Duke of, 160
Chieregato, Bishop, Memoirs, 108
Chigi, family of, 226
China, early Indian trade, 55; Jesuits in, 115
Christian IV. of Denmark, 185-6
Chrysoloras, 75
Chuquet, Wars of the Revolution, 18
Church and State, separation, 91, 107
Church of England, John Robinson and, 206
Cicero, 72
Civil war in England, division of the country, 203; results, 205
Clarendon, Lord, 163; policy, 209
Clausewitz, 298
Clément, Jacques, assassinates Henry III., 167
Clement, St., 78
Clement VI., Pope, 93
Clement VII., Pope—
Clement VIII., Pope, 197
Clement XI., Pope, 253
Cleveland, Duchess of, 227
Coburg, Castle of, 106
Cochin, 56
Cochlæus, 105
Coimbra, 247
Coire, Provost of, cited, 106
Coke, Sir Edward, 199
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 12, 234, 239, 244
Coleman, Secretary to Duchess of York, 213, 246
Coligny, Admiral, policy of, 158; murder of, 159-60
Cologne, Abp. of, 181
Cologne, Jewish persecutions, 85
Columbus, Christopher, 3-4, 60-64
Commonwealth, results of the, 205
Commynes, 19, 195
Compagni, Dino, 16
Comte, 11, 22
Concini and Mary of Medici, 175
Conclave, establishment of the, 50
Concordat of Bologna, 47