xxxii. Leechdoms against the evil blotch, how a man shall work salves and baths and drinks against it, and for a leprous body and for a deadened body, a bath and salves for them. Baths and salves and drinks for the mickle body, elephantiasis, and swelling. In all fifteen leechdoms.
xxxiii. Leechdoms and drinks and salves and applications for pustules, either deadened or undeadened. Eight receipts.
xxxiv. A leechdom if a nail be off a hand, and against angnails, and against warty eruptions.
XXXV. Leechdoms mickle and excellent for a swarthened and a deadened body, and whence the disease cometh, and how a man shall treat it, if the body be deadened to that degree that there be not feeling in it; and how a man shall wean the dead blood away, and if it be desired to cut off a limb from the sick man or apply fire,[1] how it shall be performed. Brewits[2] and drinks and salves for the disease.
xxxvi. Leechdoms for the disease which is called circle addle or shingles; brewit and drinks and salves. This is a very troublesome disease, and here saith (our book) what meat or drink a man shall in this disease forego.
xxxvii. Leechdoms in case a man may not retain his mie,[3] and have not command of it, and if he may not mie, and if he mie blood; and if a wife (woman) be tender in that respect. Fourteen leechdoms.
xxxviii. Leechcrafts and wound salves and drinks for all wounds and all cleansings (discharges) in every wise, and for an old broken wound, and if there be bone breach on the head, and for a tear by a dog; and a wound salve for disease of the lungs, and a salve for an inward wound; and a salve if thou wilt cure a little wound quickly, and if a man be wounded with iron, or struck with wood, or with