97. If a horse has been shot.
The Latin words bear a ritualistic character, and may be perhaps arranged nearly thus: Oratio. Sanentur animalia in orbe terræ, quot, etc. Oratio altera. Extinguatur diabolus, etc. Lectio. Rom. viii. 25. Quis nos separabit, etc. Psalmus iii.
98. If a woman is not able to bear a child.
Hymnus? Solvi iube
Deus e catenis.
99. For constant and malignant rheumatism.
Diabolus ligauit,
Angelus curauit,
Dominus saluauit.
100. For tooth ache.
See Vol. I. p. 394. An absurd story, not to be found in the Codices Apocryphi published by Thilo or Tischendorf.