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Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/110

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& þonne seo modor gefele ꝥ ꝥ bearn si cwic ga þonne to cyrican & þonne heo toforan þan weofode cume, cweþe þonne criste ic sæde þis gecȳþed! Se wifmon, se hyre bearn afedan ne mæge, genime heo sylf hyre agenes cildes gebyrgenne dæl, wrȳ æfter þonne on blace wulle and bebicge to cepemannum and cweþe þonne

fol. 185 b.

ic hit bebicge
ge hit bebicgan
þas sweartan wulle
& þysse sorge corn.

Se man se ne mæge bearn afedan, nime þonne anes bleos cu meoluc on hyre handæ and gesupe þonne mid hyre muþe and gange þonne to yrnendum wætere and spiwe þær in þa meolc and hlade þonne mid þære ylcan hand þæs wæteres muð fulne and forswelge. Cweþe þonne þas word: Gehwer ferde ic me þone mæran maga þihtan, mid þysse mæran mete þihtan; þonne ic me wille habban and ham gan. Þonne heo to þan broce ga, þonne ne beseo heo, no ne eft þonne heo þanan ga, and þonne ga heo in oþer hus oþer heo ut ofeode and þær gebyrge metes.

Heading is omitted.

Ecce dolgula medit dudum beðegunda breðegunda elecunda eleuachia mottem mee renum orþa fueþa fol. 186 a.letaues noeues terre dolge drore uhic · alleluiah · singe man þis gebed on ꝥ se man drincan wille nygan siþan · & pater noster nigan siþan.

wið cyrnla.

Arcus supeð assedit uirgo cana bið lux et ure cana bið · sing ðis nigon siþan & pater noster .VIIII. on anum berenan hlase & syle þan horse etan.