Wyrc slypan of wætere & of axsan genim finol wyl on þære slyppan & beþe mid æggemongc[1] þonne he þa sealfe fol. 163 b.on de[2] ge ær ge æfter. Sing ꝥ galdor on ælcre þara wyrta: III. ær he wyrce & on þone æppel eal swa · ond singe þon men in þone muð & in þa earan buta & on ða wunde ꝥ ilce gealdor ær he þa sealfe onde[2]:—
Gif se wynn sy nyper gewend oððe se bledenda fic bedelf ænne wrid cileþenigan moran & nim mid þinum twam handum upweardnes[3] & sing þær ofer VIIII. pater nostra æt þam fol. 164 a.nigeðan æt libera nos a malo bred hy þonne up & nim of þam ciðe & of oþrum ꝥ þær sy an lytel cuppe ful & drinc hy þonne & beðige hine mon to wearman fyre him bið sona sel.
ftwib onylcan:lit nimanAnnegreatnecwurnstan7haetannine7lecgan610nine underponeman, 7 nimanwxlwyrt7 leomucan7 mugcwyrt7 lecganuppanpone Stan7onunder;7 dobwrtoceald wester,71xt reocanponebrw6upon poneman,swahatswa hehatustforberanmaege.
/ GiffotoODecneowWescancanswellan: nim neo8eweardebetonicanOdeelehtran;cnucabyswipe;maengcwip smalehwaetenanmeoluwe;climeon p(mt)geswel.
ia micclumlice7 bringcadlewyrcesealfe: wyllin buteranaswyrta: elenanmoran,7hegerifanufewearde,7sauinan7curmeallan7 feferfugean7 dolhrunan7brunwyri;awringcaurhclad;hafapon(ne)gegniden7 gebwmedsealt 7an penigweor8swefles.
Writ ðis ondlang ða earmas wiþ dweorh + t + ω͏̄ α & gnid cyleðenigean on ealað · s͏̄ macutus sc͏͞e uic-