Alpha and Omega, and rub down celandine into ale. St. Machutus, St. Victricius. Write this along the arms as protection against a dwarf, some crosses and letters, and powder celandine into ale.
52. For wens at a mans heart, take cucumber and radish and the small rape and garlic and southernwood and cinqfoil and pepper in honey unsodden; wring through a cloth and then pepper it, and then boil strong.
53. This prayer shall a man sing upon the black blain or carbuncles, TigaS, and so forth* nine times. Then work a good poultice thus, take the content of one egg of rock salt, and burn it on a cloth so that it may be burnt through, then rub it to dust, and take then the yolks of three eggs and mingle with the dust, so that it may be so stiff that it will stick well, and let the head of the boil be then opened and the poultice be bound to the swelling as thou needest; then make the man a salve so that it may heal, take stichwort and lupins and red chervil and marche, pound them all together, and boil in fresh butter.
54. If the black blain annoy a man, then let one take a lump of salt, burn in a linen cloth as much of it as is as big as an egg, then grind the salt very small, then take the yolks of three eggs, whip it well up together, and lay it for six nights to the blain, then take asparagus and groundsel and leaves of colewort and old grease, pound all that together, and lay it for three nights to the blain, then take yarrow and groundsel and bramble leaves and clean lard, pound together and apply to the blain, (it will soon be well with the man) till it be healed, and let no liquid come near, except that of the worts themselves.