55. If thy heart ache, take ribwort and boil it in milk, drink it for nine mornings, it will soon be well with thee.
56. Against a warty eruption, one must take seven little wafers, such as a man offer eth with, and write these names on each wafer, Maximianus, Malchus, Iohannes, Martinianus, Dionysius, Constantinus, Serafion; then again one must sing the charm which is hereinafter mentioned, first into the left ear, then into the right ear, then above the mans poll, then let one who is a maiden go to him and hang it upon his neck, do so for three days, it will soon be well with him. The incantation. " Here came entering:[1] a a spider wight: he had his hands upon his hams: he quoth that thou his hackney wert: lay thee against his neck: they began to sail off the land: as soon as they off the land came, then began they to cool: then came in a wild beasts sister: then she ended: and oaths she swore, that never this could harm the sick, nor him who could get at this charm, or him who had skill to sing this charm; amen, fiat." Here are leechdoms against erysipelata of every sort and fellons and leg disorders, eight and twenty.
57. Smear on the place where the sore is, leaves of green marche pounded with the white of an egg and lees of oil. Against erysipelata and blains; a christian charm. For erysipelata and blained body, work sour milk into jelly and foment with the jelly. Take beer dregs and soap and the white of an egg and old groats, lay on for erysipelatous swelling. Again, for erysipelatous eruption; let the man sit in cold water till iltc part be deadened, then draw him up, then strike four scarifying scores about the pocks on the outside, and- ↑ The colons mark where the lines of this rough music end.