Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/105

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4i Cnsltgl) Cases. Second Notice. PRINCIPAL ENGLISH CASES IN LAW AND EQUITY. ABOUT 9,000 ANNOTATKD CASKS. SBBIES OF 43 VOLUMES. GENERAL EDITOB: HOWARD ELLIS, Esq., of the New York Bar, Editor of "The Reporter." ANNOTATORS OF AMERICAN REPORTS: Hon. C. E. PRATT, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, with assistants ; — CoiistitJitional Law and Criminal Law and Procedure. Hon. CHARLES DONOHUE, late Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, with assistant; — Ad)niralty. HENRY BUDD, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar (■' Sharswood and Budd's Leading American Cases in Real Estate Law"), with assistant; — I^aw, generally. WILLIAM H. BURNETT, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar ; — Probate Cases and Matrimonial Cases. THE EDITOR, with assistants ; — Equity and Equity Pleading and Practice ; Patents, Copyright, and Trade-Marks. I. THE METHOD of this work will set out the entire body of the law in England in reporting the principal case in full, upon every substantial rule of law and principle of equity. In Smith's Leading Cases but twenty cases are reported in the last edition, and White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity contain seventy-two cases, and these books are in common use because of their con- venience ; yet they report but ninety-two cases, while English Cases will give nine thousand decisions, or one hundred times as many. It will be seen by this comparison that it is reason- able to e.xpect that the domain of the law may be laid out in this work. II. THE NOTES will produce, m a reliable form, the other English cases in the fewest words ; the conclusive facts, the ruling and the reasoning thereon will be given. These Notes will be arranged in an original system by which the reader will be enabled to find (i) the supporting cases, (2) the development of the rule or principle, (3) any statutory change, (4) applications of the rule or principle to a state of facts (the mass of the cases), (5) questions of pleading, (6) of practice, (7) of evidence, (8) all queries, (9) points doubted, (10) like applications, (11) overruled cases. The notes of Irish and Colonial cases will show the same divisions ; but the notes of the Federal and State cases will set out, in addition, where the reported case has been denied, and the leading cases affirming or denying the reported case will be designated. III. THESE NOTES WILL CONTAIN all of the other cases in England, Ireland, the Colonies, and in the United States, from the first Reports to the end of the year 1887, — over 500,000 decisions ; so that the reader will have reported for him the main case, and placed under that, in most convenient order, every case on the points raised or arising upon the main case. Surely no more effective method could be found to put the substance of the law at the service of earnest and thoughtful counsel, with which he may prepare himself for the severest contests. THE GENERAL EDITOR. The announcement in the last number of Legal Bibliography of an anno- tated reprint of the leadiiiL,' English decisions, from the days of the Year Books to the present generatirm, has aroused great interest throughout the country. In the opposite column will be found further ).x- ticulars in regard to the enterprise. Howard Ellis, u planned and will dii i > the editorial work of E.(,- LisH Cases, was born in Elkton, Cecil County, Md., July 6, 1834, of parents whose ancestors settled in Maryland and New Jersey a hundred and fifty years ago. He read law with his father, Francis A. Ellis, of the Maryland Bar, and with George W. Biddle, of the Philadelphia Bar. Mr. Ellis has practised in Maryland, in Pennsylvania, m New York, and be- fore the Supreme Court of the United States. He has therefore had that double e.xperience in " common law" and in " code " States especially valuable to an American legal author, who has to adapt Iiis notes and text to the requirements of both kinds of practice. In addition to this variety of practice, Mr. Ellis has had great expe- rience in the selection and annotation of cases. In 1875 he planned and started the " New York Weekly Digest," which has been successfully con- ducted according to his plans ; and in the following year he planned the " Law and Equity Reporter," which w^as consolidated in 1878 with the " American Law Times Reports," and has since been published under his editorial control as " Tiie Reporter." His sound judgment in the selection of important cases, and his careful work thereon, have sustained the cir- culation of that periodical, and made it a general favorite, notwithstanding the rivalry and pressure in recent years of a rapidly increasing growth of local law journals and reporters. This e.xperience peculiarly qualifies Mr. Ellis for editing such a selection of English Cases as shall be most satisfactory to American lawyers, and in directing the annotations in a practical and useful chan- nel. Under his charge subscribers can feel assured of getting a series which will amply repay them for the investment. THE NOTES of English, Irish, and Colonial Reports will be made by English Barristers of high reputation. Their names will be announced shortly. The price of the series will be FIVB DOLLABS FEB VOLUME, STBICTLY NET; the purchaser to pay charges for delivery, except where payment is made in advance. CHARLES C. SOULE, Freeman Place Chapel, Boston.