Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/118

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4 THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY'S THE GREEN BAG. An Illustrated Legal Magazine. Refreshing ~ Enlivening — Stimulating. ' The Green Hag is a monthly magazine intended to amuse and entertain lawyers.^ It was started in January, 1889. In finishing the first year of its existence, the Editor and publishers return thanks to the subscribers for their generous praise ^ and support,** and are glad to be able to announce that the magazine has been so successful that it is now established on a permanent footing. Useless. — It will be continued on the same plan^ which has commended it to the legal profes- sion, and will bear upon its cover the same phrase regarding its scope, — " useless, but entertaining." The word " useless in this connection has aroused critical comment and even indignant protest from friends, who are kind enough to say that The Grken Bag is eminently useful in the best sense of the term. But "useless" was oi'iginally used by the publishers to suggest a protest and reaction against the prevailing avalanche of periodical reports, digests, etc., each of which claims to be more " useful" than its rivals. It was thought that there was room for a magazine which not only did not profess so much, 8 but even confessed itself to be "useless," from the technical case-law point of view. And "useless" in this sense it will continue to be.^ Entertaining. — to the word "entertaining,"'^ there seems to be no difference of opinion ; and to merit this description in the future as well as in the past, The Grken Bag will contain origi- nal and selected articles in legal history and antiquities, biography, news, gossip, poetry, anecdote, humor, and everything else which might or entertain a lawyer in his hours of relaxation. 1° Contributors. — Among the well- known writers who have contributed original articles during the year 1889 are : Prof J. B Ames, M. M. Bigelow, Hon. L. E. Bleckley, Irving Browne, J. W. Donovan, Prof. T. W. Dwight, (J. K. Fay, Russell Gray, Piof. W. G. Hammond, A. A. Marti.n, C. Stuart Patterson, Prof. H. W. Rogers, Hon. S. D. Thompson, G. M. Towle, G. F. TucKKi:. / Attractive Features. — There / have been so many bright and readable articles published during the first year, ..ji„ that it is difficult to select any for espe- i •- 'fi.'r cial mention; but perhaps the most inter- ■ ' esting features have been the humorous "Leading Cases in Verse," by Irving Browne and Austin A. Martin ; the series of intensely interesting " Causes C:^- lebres," translated or adapted from the French by the Editor; the " Legal An- tiquities" and " Faceti^ ; " and the twelve valuable articles on the Leading Law Schools of the United States, written by instructors or graduates, and handsomely illustrated with porti-aits of the more prominent professors in each school. The twelve Law Schools thus described are Harvard, Boston, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Michigan, Yale, St. Louis, Union (Chicago), Iowa, Buffalo, Cornell, and San Francisco. Illustrations. — The illustrations form, indeed, the most novel and attractive feature of the new magazine, and the one which has most commended it to popular favor.i'* They are done by the " half-tone process," which gives the softness and lifelike expression of photographs. Plaits for the Future. — The illustrations will be continued in future numbers, each of which will contain as a frontispiece the portrait of some eminent judge, lawyer, or legal author ; to- gether with at least one illustrated article. Two or three more articles will be required to complete the Law School Series, after which will be commenced another series of Illustrated Articles on TiaE United States and State Courts, with portraits of past and present judges. Permanent Value. — This series will last through several years (varied occasionally by other illustrated articles, such as " The Women Lawyers of the United States," which is to appear in an early number), and, with the law school articles, will constitute a Portrait Gallery of Ameri- can Lawyers, which will render the bound volumes of The Green Bag permanently valuable. Vol. L contains ninety-three portraits, among which are those of Kent, Story, Gi'eenleaf, Shaw, Choate, .Mason, Rawle. Benjamin, Fuller, Matthews, Browne, Cockburn, Washburn, Parsons, Bennett, Bige- low, Wharton, Dwight, Sharswood, Lieber, Cooley, Hammond, Ewell, Trumbull, High, and Dillon. THOMAS M. COOLEY. [From The Green Bag for May, 1 Don't fail to send me Thk Gkeek Bag for 1890. It is an oasis in a lawyer's life. It is refreshing, enlivening, and stimulating. I would pay six dollars a j'ear for a copy, rather than fail to have it. — Hon. E. L. Barney, New Bedford, Mass. 2 The Gkeen Bag is too attractive and entertain- ing to surrender after having taken it for a year. — Ira D. Warren, New Yorlc. 8 I have found The Gkeen Bag to be a highly in- teresting, entertaining, and instructive journal, and am very much pleased with it. — Edward F. Hays, Pittsburg, Pa. ■* I And The Ghken Bag such a pleasant compan- ion, I should regret very much to part company with i^ — inV/Z-uH, M. Chase, Concord, N. H. I subscribed for The Green Bag out of per- sonal regard for the publisher. I renew the subscription upon the merits of your work. — James S. Pirtle, Louisville, Ky. 5 I am delighted with the make-up and plan of The Green Bag. — yl. J. Eddy, Chicago, hi. s I regard it as not only entertaining, but also extremely useful and instructive. — John B. Lamer, Washington, D. C. 7 I am delighted with The Green Bag. K tills a place that lias always been practically vacant, and tills it in an admirable manner. — Cornell Un rsity School anil entertaining, it ad- awyer's hours of relaxa- Iiim, it will interest, but Irish Law Times, us. — Kingsley first year's hour's rest, . — M. A. Prof. H. B.-Hutehin of Law. 8 Light, readable, dresses itself to the tion. It will amuse forbears to instruct h Dublin, Ireland. 9 It is all right: just suits us. - Shepherd, Aiislin, Minn. 1' Let mc congratulate you on yi work in giving the tired lawyers t recreation, and pleasant instruct Hartigan, Hastings, Neb. 11 The names of some of the most popular writers on la-w literature and fiction are among its contributors. — Chicago Law Journal. 12 Sparkling rhymes, humorous anecdotes, in- teresting bits of gossip on legal matters. — Scot- tish Law Review. 13 Tlie humorous portion, with its witty anec- dotes and legal repartee, is (if you will pardon the slang) " immense! " — Isaac N. Solis, Phil- adelphia. 1* The portraits alone are worth tlie wliole subscrip- tion and more. — Prof. Emlin McClain, Law Depart- ment, Iowa rnivo'sily. 1*5 1 have found The Green Bag most entertaining, and gladlj' renew my subscription for two copies. 1 want the additional copy that I may cut out and preserve the portraits in another form. I like very much your plan of giving portraits and short biogra- raphies of eminent lawyers. — Horace Russell, New Yo7-k. 1" Vol. I. has been a source of much pleasure to me. I desire to renew my subscription. — R. M. Thompson, BrooVnaven, Miss. Vireat Viridis Baga .' . Prof. W. G. Hammond, St. Louis, Mo THE GREEN BAG is puhlishcd monihlg, and is edited bg Houace W, Fuzler. TERMS.— The annual subscription is $3.00, pagahle always in advance. Single or specimen nun>ber.'i, of the current gear onlg, will be 35 cents each. BACK 31 HERS. — After .Tanuarg 1, 1890, bach- numbers of Vol. I. (so far as theg can be supplied) will be 50 cents each. VOLU3IE ONE. — Vol. I. complete^^> can be furnished in numbers for $4.00 net: or handsomely bound in dark green half morocco for $5.00 net. Published by THK BOSTON BOOK CO. ( Charles C. Soule, JPresident), 15^2 Bearon Stveei, Boftton. .i}las.<.