Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/122

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A GREAT WORK ON AMERICAN LAW. Rights, Remedies, and Practice AT LAW, IN EQUITY, AND UNDER THE CODES. A TREATISE OH AMERICAN LAW AND PRACTICE IN CIVIL CAUSES, WITH A DIGEST OF ILLUSTRATIVE CASES, By JOHN D. LAWSON, Author of works on Presumptive Evidence, Expert and Opinion Evidence, The Law of Carriers, Usages and Customs, and of Defences to Crime. This great work of Mr. Lawson's is now in press and will be issued in bi-monthly volumes. Volumes i and 2, treating of Persons and Personal MeJafions, are IVOTV Volume 3 will be published in January, Volume 4 in March, Volume 5 in May, Volume 6 in July, and Volume 7 in September, 1890. Covering the ground which Kent's Commentaries did nearly half a century ago, this is designed to be A PRACTICAL RATHER THAN A THEORETICAL WORK. IT IS A TREATISE ON AMERICAN LAW. ORAND DIVISIONS. L PERSONS AND PERSONAL RELATIONS. III. PROPERTY RIGHTS. II. PERSONAL RIGHTS AND REMEDIES. IV. PUBLIC RIGHTS AND REMEDIES. T7ie Text of this work is a succinct statement of the general principles of law and rules of procedure as determined by American Courts, adapted to all the States. The Illustrations consist of brief digests of cases, which illustrate, or show the apphcation of, the rules laid down in the text. Mr. Lawson, a law writer of established reputation, whose previous works are frequently cited by American Courts, having devoted many years to the preparation of this great work, has studied the present needs of the American Bar, and has sifted the enormous bulk of American Case Law from the entire body of American Reports, and endeavored to make his work .^FFLIC^BLE TO .A-IjL THE ST-A.TES- THB PUBLISHEBS' PB.EDICTIOW. — Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence showed the necessity for a later book than Judge Story's Commentaries ; as the American Decisions have proved more helpful than any other series of Reports ; so it is believed that this compreliensive, elaborate, ami practical work will prove more useful in every-day practice than any seven volumes extant. The seven volumes of about 900 pages each will be delivered as issued at ^ $6.0® PER VOLUME NET. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY, LAW PUBLISHERS,