Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/23

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 9 Scott, Dred, v. Sandford, John F. A. Xesfio slave against his master for assault. Svo. Paptr. Wash., 1S57. 239 pp. 1 Trespass and slander. Trial before Lord Chf. Justice Whiteside and spl. jury. Dublin, 1870. Paniph. 3' PP- ' Wills. 33arnes, John, v. Mansel, Louisa. Sentence of Sir H. Tenner. Svo. Lond., 1S36. 1S3 pp. i Bafnesley f. Powell. Genuineness. i2mo. Pa.iiph. l.i .iul., 1750. 227 pp. . 2 Girard, btcphen. Svo. CI. Phila., 1854. 34? PP- 2 I'-awei, lljrace. Svo. Sheep. San !• ran., 1S72. 620 Hincks, et als., v. Turnly. Svo. CI. Belfast, 1S4S. l.tSpp. 2 Eop-ivood. (EarlofSeflonK.Hopwood: incompetency of testator.) 2 vols. 410. Hlf. clf. New. Man- Chester and Lond., 1855. 535 pp- icjloyd and wife v. Trimlestown. i2mo. Unbound. Dublin, 1S19. 304 pp. 2 Smith will case. Arguments. Svo, Paper. Hallo- well, Me., 1S79. 13S pp. Thelusson, Peter. 4to. Lond., 1799. 135 pp. 2 "Waddell, Anne, V. Hope, Hon. Charles, and others. Insanitv. Svo. Paper. Edinb., 1S45. "S pp. 2 Collections of Trials. Irish State Trials land, in capital cases. Svo. Hlf. clf.

2 pp.

e. 2v0ls.ini. Fo. Bds. Dub- Trials, Salmon's St; Im, 1737. 91S pp. 4.00 Trials, Select Criminal, in the Old Bailey. Vol. i (no other published). Svo. Hlf. clf. Edinb., 1S03. 55° PP- 4-5° Trials, Remarkable, of all countries. By Dauphy and Cummins. Svo. CI. N. Y., 1S7S. 464 pp. 2.00 Trials, Famous. By J. T. Morse, Jr. Svo. CI. Bos- l >n, 1S74. 343 pp. 1.50 Howison, Robt. R. Criminal trials held in Richmond, Va. Svo. Paper. Richmond, JS51 . 120 pp. 2.50 — The Same. Sheep. 3.00 Irish trials. Couutv Tippcrarv. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1S48. 233 pii. ' 2.50 — The Same. Clonmel assize.^;, 1S29. Dublin 1S30. 2.50 — The Same. Maryborouifh. Dublin, 1S32. 326 pp. 3.50 — The Same. Sligo, ^L^yo, I-eitrim, Longford, and Cavan. Dublin, 1S07. " 350 pp. Paper. 3.50 "Modern. Jury Trials and advocates. Sheep. 4.50 — The Same. CI. 4-oo Prize Appeals Cases. House of Lords: 1749 to 1752. Lg. fo. Clf. 10.00 TTewgate Calendar. 6 vols. (ist vol. imperfect.) Svo. Bds. Lond. 12.00 Criminal Trials. J.D.Jardine. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1S32. 4.00 Oallick Reports. In which is comprised an account of Arnold du Tilh, an imposter, who deceived a man's wife and relations, and puzzled for a long lime the Parliament of France; the history of a young lady whose eloquence saved the life of her lover; and many other equally curious and entertain- ing^ cases. Lond., 17^7. i6mo. 6.00 Causes CelS:bres. 7 vols. Svo. Sheep. Ed. F. D. Linn & Co. Comprises Queen Caroline (3 vols.), A.-iron Burr (2 vols.), J. W. Webster (2 vols.). 21.00 Causes Cilebres et Interessantes. (Abrege.) Avec Ics jugemens qui les ont decides, par Bes^el. 3 vols. i3mo. Hlf. clf. Bath, 1793. 6.00 Causes C^lebrcs du Droit des Gens. 2 vols. i2mo. Bds. Leipzig and Paris, 1S37. 6.00 Causes Celebres de tons les Pcuples. Large collec- tion of criminal cases. Sm. fo. Bds. Soo pp. Illus. 3.00 Cause C^l^bres, et des arrets qui les ont decidees.. Vols I and S. i2mo. CI. Paris, iSoS and 10. ea. i.oo Maclauren's criminal cases. Before supreme courts in Scotland. 4to. Hlf. clf. Edinb., 1774. 776 pp. 3.50 Criminal trials in Scotland, Narratives from. Bv T""- >Iill Burton. 2vols.inr. Svo. CI- Lond., 1852. 2.00 Criminal trials (and lives) of celebrated men. i6mo. CI. Phila., 1S35. PP- 2.00 Criminal trials, Collection of, etc. Bv Medland and Weobly. 2 vols. Svo. Hlf. clf. Lond., iSoS. 7.50 miscellaneous. I'eighny, J.ames. Observ.ations on the judgment of Baron Richards in case of. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S38. 2S pp. 1.00 iFleeming v. Orr. Dam.ages caused by destruction of sheep by dogs. 410. 00 pp. Scotch' case. 1.50 IiUther, Martin, v. Borden, Luther M., and others. The Rhode Island question. Mr. Webster's argu- ment in this case. Svo. Unbound. Washington, 1S4S. 20 pp. .25 Hunter v. Martin. Question as to ownership of lands in Virginia. Svo. Paper. Pliila., 1S17. 14S pp. i.oo ^Panning, Thos. Bigamy. Svo. Paper. Dublin, iS36. i2Spp. 1.50 Dickey, Nannie A., v. Tytus, John B. Breach of Promise. i6mo, 176 pp. Paper. Cincinnati, 1S78. .50 Gardner, Geo. A. Argument of Philip Fendall on trial of, for false swearing. Svo. Paper. W'ash., 1853. iSopp. I.oo Gardner ». Godfrey. Mr. Montagu Chambers' address in case of. Immoral conduct of a physician. 12mo. , Pamph. Lond., 1S59. 19 pp. 1.00 '-QiUespie v. Russell & Son. Infringement of lease. 4to. CI. Edinb., 1853. 2.0 pp. 2.50 Sanover Bank (N.Y.) v. Commissioners of Taxes. Whether a bank (or individual) be exempt from taxation upon Government securities. With four- teen similarcases. Svo. Paper. N.Y., 1S62. 90pp. i.oo Heron, Denis C, V. The Provost, etc., of Trinity Col- lege. Eligibilily of Roman Catholics to scholar- ships. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S46. 124 pp. 1 Hewley'S (Lady) Charities. Attorney General v. Shore. To determine the proper parties to be trus- tees in place of those removed. Svo. Paper. Lond-, 1S37. : Hoqpe V. Griffith, Sir R. Appeal of the Christian -rothers, Kingstown, County Dublin, from assessed ■ • ' Paper. lawful oaths. Lend., 1S62. Mr. Wardle's 1 speecne Hlf. clf. Lond.,-i8o9. Mrs.M.A, luation of their school premises Dublin, 1S59. . . '-5° McKinley, Andrew. Administering Svo. CI. Edinb., iSiS. Windham Lunacy Case. Svo. Pap 202 pp. York, Duke of. Corrected speeches charges against — The Same. Narrative of fact Clarke's political acquaintance with Col. Wardle etc., etc. 2 vols, in i. Svo. Bds. Lond., iSio. 523 pp. 2.50 Auchterarder Case. 2 vols. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1S3S. 4.00 Auchterarder Case. Record ;» ran^a. 4to. Hlf. clf. 2.00 Burns, Antlumv. Fugitive slave. With murder of Bachelder. Svo. Paper. Boston, 1S54. 86 pp. 1.50 Burtnett, Dan'l. Incest. Svo. Stchd. N.Y., 1S46. 23 pp. 2.00 Mathew T*. Harty and Stokes. Imprisoning illegiti- in.ate son in an ins.ane asvlum. Dublin, 1S51. Pamph. 13S pp. ■ 2.00 McCowan v. Wright. Print of papers. 1852. 4to. Hlf. clf. 300 pp. 2.00 Armstrong v. Holbrooke. Bankruptcy. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S4S. !,oo ©'Flaherty and others v. McDowell and others. Judgment of Lord Chancellor of Ireland, concern- ing banking laws of Ireland. Dublin, 1856. Pamph. 32 pp. I.oo O'Grady, Waller. Qiio Warranto suit of King v., re- specting right of .appointment to the office of a clerk of court. Dublin, 1816 and iSiS. Proceedings, and arguments, and judgments. 3.00 — The Same. Proceedings, 1S16. Svo. Bds. Dublin, iSi6. iSgpp. 1.00 — The Same. Arguments and judgments, iSiS. Svo. Bds. Dublin, TSiS. 590 pp. 2.00 Molloy, Neale, and his wife. Imprisoning and ill treating their daughter. i2mo. Unbound. Dublin, 1762. 59 PP- 2..X, Twycross v. Grant. Liabilities of promoters of com- panies. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1877. n+PP. i-5o Lethendy Case. Rev. Thos. Clark v. Presbytery of Dunkeld and Rev. Andrew Kessen. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1S39. 21S pp. 2.50 Jackson, lohn. Right to elective franchise. Svo. Paper. "Dublin, 1S47. PP.- i-oo Keenan, Michael. Administering unlawful o.ath. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1S32. 111 pp. 2.00 Kempston -v. Butler. Judgment in case of. Injury to house by pulling down adjoining house. i2mo. Paper. Dublin, 1862. 13 pp. 1.C9 Kirwan, Thos., and Sheridan. Edw. Misdemeanor: violation of Convention Act. Svo. Dublin, 1812. 293 pp. Johnson, Mr. Justice : King v. Habeas-corpus Paper. Dublin, 1S05. iiopp ~ The Same. Reply of Attv. Genl. of Ireland to argu- ments of dfdts' counsel. Pamph. 59 pp. 1.00 Welson and Brand (Jamaica Prosecution). Charge of Lord Chief Justice of Eng. to grand jury in'case of. Svo. CI. Lond., 1867. 165 pp. 2.00 Jones, Richard- '■ Ribbonism." Dublin, 1S40. Pamph. • 160 pp. 1.50 Small V. Attvood. Action to rescind contract, etc. Svo. Bds. Lond.. 1S33. 133 pp. 1.50 Smyth V. Latham. Involving questions relative to holding an appointment by virtue of a deed poll. Svo. Stitched. Lond., 1S32. 92 pp. i.5<. Smith, Wm. S., and Ogden, Saml. G. Misdemeanors. Svo. Hlf. clf. N. Y., 1S07. 2S7PP. i.c«  Taaffe, Henry Edmund, v. The Lord Chief Justice of Ct. of King's Bench, Ireland, for false imprisonment. Svo. Dublin, 1815- 1.50 Cobre Co. 's Appeal Case. Spanish mining case. i2mo. Paper. Lond. 44 pp. I.oo Pinney, Charles. Neglect in his office of mayor dur- ing riots. Svo. Bds. Bristol, Eng., 1S32. 432 pp. 2.50 Otes, Titus. Perjury. Fo. Paper. Lond., 16S5. 94 pp. (Rare and curious.) 3.00 Mitford, john. Perjury. Svo. Unbound. Lond., 1S14. 166 pp. 2.00 Hampden, T"hn. Ship money case. Fo. Clf. I,ond., 1719. 23S pp. 2.00 Jleming r. Self. Redemption of mortgages in build- ing societies. Judgment of L'd. Chancellor. i2mo. Paper. Lond., 1855. 48 pp. .75 Escott V. Mastin. For refusing to bury .an infant bap- tised by a Wesleyan minister. Judgment of Privy Council. Lond., 1842. 17 pp. .75 Miller, Wm., Hunter, Jas. W. Interference in making a crop. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1865. 600 pp. 3.00 Danby, Earl of. Arguments on his motion for bail. Fo. 28 pp. Lond., 1682. T.50 — The Same. Second time. Fo. 15 pp. Lond., 16S2. 1.50 Devlin, Charles, t. The Mayor, Alderman, etc., of N. Y. City. Hacklev street-cleaning contract. 4 vols. Svo. Bds. N.'Y., 1S74. 4.00 Peakin, Wm., -z: Joynt, Rt. Hon. W. L., Mayor of Dublin. Seizure of alleged to be unwholesome. i3mo. Paper. Dublin, 1S6S. 276 pp. 2.00 Persse, Robt. Parsons. De lun.atico inquirendo. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1829. 153 pp. 2.00 Prigg, Edwd., ZK Pennsylvania. Fugitive slave case. CI. Phila., 1S42. 140'pp. I.oo Batchelder, Queen t. Revolt. Canadian prisoners' case. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1S39. 106 pp. 3.00 Brook T. Brook. Validity of marriage with deceased wife's sister. Svo. Paper. Lond'., 185S. 52 pp. .75 Adams and others v. Malkiu and another. Money scriveners* case. Svo. Lond., 1S14. 146 pp. 1.00 DubUn (Corporation) v. Rt. Hon. Sidney Herbert. Action to recover arrear of rent. Svo. P.aper. Dublin, 1859. 96 pp. 1.50 Second trial of same. 1S61. 144 pp. '-So Carlisle, Rev. James, D.D., Attorney General against. Relative to trusts established in 1710 by Sir Arthur Langford and others. Dublin, 1S51. Paper. ii6pp. 1.50 Soot and Macpherson. Beating drovers and stealing cattle. Lg. paper. Lond., 1737. 33 pp. 3.00 Semple, Major. His adventures and deceptions, with an account of his trial. lamo. Paper. Dublin, 17S6. 94 pp. 1.50 Sherfield, Henry. Breaking church window. (Star Chambercase.) i6mo. Paper. Lond., 1717. 80pp. 300 Sheridan, Edw. Agitating for a repeal of Roman Catholic disabilities. Svo. Stitched. Dublin, iSii. 132 pp. 4.50 Husband and Wife. Ante-nuptial contract. Svo. Pamph. Edinb., 1856. 33 pp. .50 Bankers and their Creditors, Case of, stated and exam- ined. By Thomas Turnor. i2mo. Clf. Lond., '675. '47 pp. i-SO Holmes, Maria, v. Brophy, Peter. Partnership case. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1825. S3 pp. 1.00 Amery, Thos, and Monk, John; King against, ^uo ivarr-atilo respecting the office of alderman of Chester, Eng. Svo. Bds. Chester, 1786. 149 pp. 2.00 Duncan. Peter, v. Yoolow, David. Proceedings under a brieve of idiotrv. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1S37. 135 pp. '-0° Chisholm v. Georg'ia. Whether a State be liable to be sued by a private citizen of anotlier State. Svo. Paper. Boston, 1793. So pp. 2.00 Codling, Reid, Mactarlane, and Easterby. Casting away brig " Adventure." Svo. ond., 1803. 3.50 Sullivan, Alexr. M., and Pigott, Richard. Seditious libels. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 186S. 2S6 pp. 2.50 Scott, William, Coast Guard enquiry on. Svo. Pamph. Dublin, 1S35. 17 pp. .75 Tower, Capt. Wm. H. For feloniously scuttling banpie " Brothers' Pride." Svo. Paper. St. John, N.B . iSSo. 200 pp. 1.50 Trye, Henry Norwood, appellant, and Duke of Lein- ster, respondent. On claim under Landlord and Tenant Act of Ireland Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1673. 216 pp. 1.50 Westby Z'. Carroll. Plaintiff's case on writ of error from King's Bench to House of Lords Brief. 6 pp. .50 Westwood, King V. Concerning corporation law. Svo. Bds. Lond , 1S30. 220 pp. 2.50 Cardigan, Jas. Thos., Earl. Shooting at H. G. P. Tuckett. .Svo. CI. Lond., 1S41. 123 pp. ^00 of Tl Saekville, Rt. Hon., Earl rhanet, and others. Bradlaugh, publication. i2mo. CI. 1 Bennett, D. M. For depositing prohibited matter in the mails. i2mo. CI. N.Y. i Queen Caroline. Dolby's Parliamentary Reg. Report. 2 vols. Svo. Bds. Lond.. 1S20. ' 2 Boston Mass.acre. Narrative of the town ; trial of the soldiers, etc. With plat.-s. By Frederic Kidder. Svo. Bds. Albany, 1S70. 291 pp. Large paper. Uncut. ' a Recent Publications. BY SOULE & BUGBEE. Sheldon on the Law of Subrogation. 1 vol. 36S pp. Best law sheep. 7Vi7, 3 The Reporters. By John William Wallace. Fourth edition, revised arid greatly enlarged by Wallace and Heard. Law sheep, or'i Eng. calf. AW,.-. Cases on the Law of Bills and Notes. By James Barr" Ames, Bussey Professor of Law at Harvard Univer- sity. 2 vols. Half Eng. calf. AV/, 12, Oddities of the Law. By Franklin Fiske ITeard. A very entertaining and instructive book Cioth. i. Law Cases, Wm. 1. to Rich. 1. (Published in England under the title of " Placita Anglo-Normanriica." By Melville M. Bigelow, Professor of Law in Boston University. Handsome black cloth. A'< /, 4 — The Same. Half calf. JVei. 5 Soule's Dictionary of Synonymes. A new impression of this standard book of reference. Cloth. 2 — The Same. Half calf. 3. Star Cliamber Cases. An eleg.ant reprint from the edi- tion of 1630. Bds. AV/, 3, — Tie Same. Full calf, handsomely tooled. AW, 5 Fairbanks on the Marriage and Divorce Laws of Mas- sachusetts. Second edition. Cloth. AW, i The Public Statutes of Mass.achusetts, 1SS2. A'</, 2 Curiosities of the Law Reporters. Sixth thousand. New revised edition. Cloth. i Important English Statutes. New impression. Cloth. AV/, I Ready June 1, 1882. Impostors and Adventurers. Trials selected from the French reports. By Horace W. Fuller. i vol. i2mo. About 300 pp. Cloth. AV/, 1 Principles and General Rules of Equity Pleading. For students. By F. F. Heard. Essentials of the Law: A Review of Blackstone's Commentaries for the use of Students at Law. By Marshall D. Ewell, LL.D. Law Libraries Purchased.