Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/42

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8 SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. American LawReview. UNITED AMERICAN LAW EEYIEf, BOSTON, SOUTHERN LAW REVIEW, ST. LOUIS. LTTCIEN EATO]Xr, ) I Editoi-s. S. D. THOMPSOSr, ) Among the important articles which have appeared in the Review during the current year are the following: — tTannarij-Febrtinrij. I. Limited Liability of Ship-owners for Mas- ter's Faults. Harrington Putnam. II. Proof of Handwriting by Comparison. John D. Lazvsoa. III. Recent Legislation as to Employer's Lia- bility — Railroad Companies Liable for Injuries to their Employes. Arthur B. Ellis. IV. Agreement for Separation between Hus- band and Wife. Charles A. McMahon. V. The Elements Distinguishing the Successful from the Ordinary Legal Practitioner, and what they Suggest. Joel Prentiss Bishop. 3[arch- Ap ril. I. Jurisdiction over Estates of the Dead. James Schoulcr. II. Marriage and its Prohibitions. Hugh Weightman. III. Property Relations of Religious Societies. James M. Grant. IV. Priority of Demands against Decedents' Estates. J. G. Wxrner. 3l(nj-June. I. Practice in Cases of Foreign Extradition. Seymour D. Thompson. II. Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise : Robinson v. Elliott further examined. James O. Pierce. III. Pilotage: State Legislation thereon. H. G. Ward. IV. Trial by Jury. Matthe-w P. Deady. V. Actions on Judgments. W. P. Wade. VI. Implied Warranty of Fitness of a Chattel. Charles A. Bucknam. July-August. I. Titles of Statutes. U. M. Rose. II. American Law Governing the Payment of Debts of Deceased Persons. J. G. Wcer- ner. III. Functions of a Prosecuting Officer. Addi- son G. McKean. IV. Effect of Abandonment upon the Ship- owner's Right to Freight and General Average. James M. Oxley. V. " The Married Women's Property Act, 1SS2" (England). 7:W. Tempany. VI. Judicial Discretion. Henry P. Kailfman. THE DIGEST. In addition to the leading articles, notes of current legal topics and book reviews, each number of the Review contains A- Digest of all cases of importance reported in the English and American law periodicals, with directions for obtaining the full report of the same at small cost. The American Law Review is published bi- monthly at the subcription price of $5.00 per annum, in advance. Single numbers, $1.00. ST. LOUIS : REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. NEW YORK : I BOSTON : BAKER, VOORHIS, & CO. | SOULE & BUGBEE. " It is astonisliing hoxv many looks of refercnct: may be dispensed with by the student who lias access to this admira- ble compilation." — James's Gazette, London. The Imperial Dictionary: THE GKEAT ERCTOLOPHDIC) LEXICON, containing 130,000 Words and more than 3,000 Pictures. During- the past decide English experts have been en- j^aged upon a careful revision of the earlier edition of the Imperial Dictionary, which, for more than twenty-five years, has been accepted in Great Britain as a standard lexicon of the language. B v arrangement with the English publishers, Messrs. Blackie & Son, The Century Co. are enabled to place this great work, in its revised state, before the American public. Introduced here in March last, the sales have already far exceeded the expectations of the publishers. The Imperial has not only found its way into the public libraries, but in hundreds of private libraries it has become a work of daily reference. It gives the hig-hest satisfaction everywhere. Press reviews in both England and America have been enthusiastic in its praise. The London Ti'ww says : " We should not wish for anything better." The Literary World, of Boston, describes it as " A Combination of DICTIONARY AND ENCYCLOPEDIA," and adds: "The Imperial Dictionary answers in a single work the questions for which the reader usuallyturns to two." The N. Y. Tribune, in a long review, enumerating ITS ADVANTAGES over other similar works, says : " The definitions in general are terse and explicit, care being taken to explain clearly what is not familiar, and to dismiss in a single line or com- pact phrase what every reader may be expected to know." THE PRICE of the English edition, in cloth, is 35 shillings (about $6.25) per volume. The Amei-ican edition costs $5.00 per volume, or $20.00 for the set in cloth. In half Russia {i.e., black Russia calf back and corners, with silk-finished cloth sides and red edges), $25.00. In full extra sheep, $26.00. A pamphlet containing the prospectus, with specimen pages, English and American press notices, etc., will be sent on application. The volumes may be had of book- sellers everpvhere, or will be fonvarded, prepaid, by the publishers, on receipt of price. THE CENTURY CO., New York, N. Y. Benjamin on Sales. A Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Prop- erty; with references to the American decisions, and to the French Code and Civil Law. By J. P. Benjamin, Esq., Q_. C, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. New Edition. From the Third English edition, revised and edited by Hon. Edmund H. Bennett. In one volume. 8vo. Sheep, $6.50. Mr. Benjamin's work has for years been recognized as the standard authority on the Law of Sale of Personal Prop- erty ; but the English edition is naturally adapted especially to English practice, while this edition represents the American law and usage with equal fulness and precision. Judge Bennett, the American editor, is widely known as one of the most judicious and learned of American law scholars. Jones on Chattel Mortgages. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. By Leonard A. Jones. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. In one volume. 8vo. Sheep, $6,50. This important work has been revised in the present edi- tion by incorporating into the text and notes the new deci- sions which have been published since the work was first written, as well as some earlier decisions that had been omitted. The book has thus been enlarged by the .addition of some sixty pages of new matter. Wholly new sections have been written for the treatment of new subjects. The number of cases cited has been increased by about three hundred. Jones on Pledges. A Treatise on the Law of Pledges and Collateral Securities. Bv Leonard A. Jones. In one volume. 8vo. {Nearly re'ady.) For Sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN, & CO., BOSTO>f, MASS. American Statesmen. ISdited. by Johu T. Moi-se, Jr. A series of Biographies of men conspicuous in the history of the United States, which shall, taken together, indicate the lines of political thought and development in American history, — books embodying in compact form the result of extensive study of the many and diverse influences which have combined to shape the history of our country. John Quincy Adams. By John T. Morse, Jr., author of a " Life of Alexander Hamilton," etc. Alexander Hamilton. By Henry Cabot Lodge, author of "The English Colonies in America," etc. John C. Calhoun. By Dr. H. von Holst, author of a " Constitutional History of the United States." Andrew Jackson. By Prof William G. Sumner, author of " History of American Currency," etc. John Randolph. By Henry Adams, author of " New England Federalism," etc. James Monroe. By D. C. Oilman, President of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr. Daniel Webster. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Albert Gallatin. By John Austin Stevens, re- cently editor of the Magazine of American His- tory, {jfust publisiied.) Each volume bound in cloth, l6mo, gilt top, ^1.25. The Reporter: A Weekly Joiirnal of Advance Ijaw ICeports. Edited by Howard Ellis, Containing Decisions of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States, Courts of Last Resort in the several States, and English and Irish Courts. Terms : $5.00 a volume, or gicoo a year, postage free; single numbers 25 cents. The Reporter comprises — I. Fzdl Reports of Important Cases, giving at length the decisions in cases of such magnitude, or involving principles of such importance, or for any cause attracting so much popular interest as to make them specially noteworthy, constituting them legal landmarks. n. Condensed Reports of Cases. These cases are reduced to such limits that the field may be fairly covered, but without omitting any essential part of the case. They are prepared after the method adopted by the English judges when they reported their own cases. HL Notes of Cases, including the other cases of any value. In this form the case can be given, with the law held thereon, and it supplies all that counsel need of cases of minor importance. Especial care and skill are taken to make these notes of substantial use. IV. Argument of Counsel, a distinguishing feature of the work, in many cases of hardly less value than the decision itself These features of The Reporter make it virtually indispensable to both the Bench and the Bar. For sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN, & CO., Boston, Mass.