Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/46

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CHARLES C. SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 0ou^ ant! ^ueriejs* Bni'g:ains for Cash. — Judges, students, and lawyers of all grades and conditions of practice will be apt to find something attractive among the various lists on page $. Abbreviations. — Where is the case of Prestage v. Langford, cited as 3 Wood. 248, n., in Sugden on Vendors ? It is not Wood's U. S. C. C, nor Wood's Tithe Cases, nor Wood on Conveyancing, nor Wooddeson's Lectures. A correspondent suggests that N. C. C, asked about in Legal Bibliography, No. 3, may refer to Nelson's Chancery Cases, fem^. Finch. Corrections. — A number of corrections have been made in the second thousand of the Lawyer's Reference Manual, —mostly in single figures and small errors disclosed in use. There is only one of much consequence, — the interchanging of Cox, Macrae, & Hertslet and Roberts, Leeming, & Wallis, on page 121. Mr. Soule would feel under obligations to those who use the Manual, if they would notify him of any errors or omissions they discover. American Law Review. — Attention is called to the advertise- ment of this magazine on page 8. Without disparagement of the excel- lent editors who founded and built up the American Law Review and the Southern Law Review, now combined under the first name, it can be said that at no period of its existence has the Review been more useful or more interesting than it is now. The editorial notes are very readable, and have a racy individuality not common in legal literature. What is a Coin — Can any reader tell whether the head-gear of Chief Justice Hale, as represented in the engraving accompanying this paper, is a coif or not? One authority defines the coif as a velvet cap, but Wharton's Law Lexicon says that the lawn coif was the badge of serjeants-at-law. Hale was a Serjeant before he was made Chief Justice, and might have retained the insignia of both orders. But the cap shown in the engraving looks more like velvet than like lawn. One thing is evident, — that the judges in early days did not disguise themselves in wigs. Topical U. S. Decisions. — An important enterprise to lawyers is the publication of "Myer's Federal Decisions," an advertisement of which will be found on page 8 of this paper. It is an arrangement, under subjects, of all the published decisions of the United States Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts. In view of the extreme scarcity and costliness of many of the original reports; of the reputation of the editors having the different subjects in charge ; of the advantage of the topical arrangement in the investigation of any subject ; and of the thor- oughness of this presentation of the law as expounded by the Federal courts, — this series cannot be too highly commended to all lawyers who aim at completeness and convenience in building up their libraries. U. S. S. C. Snpplement. — In your set of United States Supreme Court Reports, have you the Supplement to ii Peters, published by Judge Baldwin in 1837, and containing valuable discussions of several questions of Constitutional Law? If not, you can get a copy for $2.50, net. Specimens of Old Printing. — If any reader of this paper would like to own an ancient book, he will find several of the famous treatises of old English law, between A. D. 1500 and 1600, advertised in another column, under the head of " Rare Books." Books for Law Students. — Among Mr. Soule's publications are several which are of especial value to law students; such as : — Ewell's Essentials of the Law (Vol. I., Blackstone; Vol. II., Pleadings, Contracts, Equity). Chamberlayne's Best on Evidence. Browne's Elements of Domestic Relations. Heard's Principles of Equity Pleading. Ames' Cases on Bills and Notes. 2 vols. Indermaur's Epitome of Leading Cases. Shirley's Leading Cases made Easy. All these books are described in other portions of this paper. Libraries or parcels of Law Books bought for cash. WANTED, FOR CASH. A fair price will be paid for any of the following books Arkansas Reports, full set. Delaware Reports, full (or partial) set. Florida Reports, full set. Johnson's Chancery Reports, 7 vols. Kentucky Reports, down to 1840. Louisiana Reports, full set. Louisiana Annuals, vols, i to 15 in- clusive. Maryland Reports, full set. Massachusetts Reports, full set, sepa- rate volumes. Massachusetts Reports, full set, double volumes. Hening's Virginia Statutes, New Se- ries, 3 vols. West Virginia Reports, full set. Notes of Cases, Ecclesiastical and Maritime, 7 vols. Holt's Equity Reports, 2 vols, in I. Aspinall's Maritime Cases, 3 vols. Also the following odd volumes : — U. S. Supreme Court: 15 Howard; 5, 8, ID, II, or 20 Wallace. U. S. Circuit Court: Woodbury and Minot, 3 vols. ; Curtis, 2 vols.; Clif- ford, 4 vols. ; Holmes ; Paine, 2 vols. ; Blatchford, 20 vols. ; Wallace, Sen. ; Wallace, Jr., 3 vols. ; McLean, 6 vols.; Bissell, 8 vols.; Flippin, 2 vols. ; Taney, I vol. ; Hughes, 5 vols. ; Woolworth; Sawyer, 8 vols.; McAll- ister ; Abbott, 2 vols. U. S. District Court: Ware, 3 vols.; Sprague, 2 vols. ; Lowell, 2 vols. ; Benedict, 10 vols. ; Van Ness ; Fish- er's Prize Cases ; Gilpin ; Crabbe ; Bee ; Newberry ; Brown ; Hoffman's Land Cases ; Cranch, 6 vols. ; McAr- thur, 2 vols. ; 2 Mackey. U. S. Court of Claims, full set. 7, 8 Federal Reporter. Patent Cases : Whitman, 2 vols. ; Fish- er's Reports ; Fisher's Cases, 6 vols. ; Banning and Arden, 5 vols. ; Com- missioner's Decisions, n vols.; Offi- cial Gazette, full set. II, 12, 13, 14, 21, 33, 35, 36, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55 Alabama. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 21 Arkansas. 52 California. California: Labatt's Reports, 2 vols. I, 2 Dakota. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Florida. Georgia: T. U. P.Charlton; Dudley; Georgia Decisions; 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27,30 to 36, 38 to last vol- ume. Illinois : 3 Scammon. Indiana: Wilson. 31 Iowa. 21 Kansas ; McCahon. Kentucky : l, 2 Metcalfe ; 2 Duval. Louisiana: Martin (condensed), vol. i. 2, 3, 5, 12, 15, 23 Louisiana Annuals. 40 Maine. Maryland : 4 Harris and Johnson ; 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 47 Maryland ; 2 John- son's Chancery. 2, 18 Michigan ; Brown's N. P. 17 Minnesota. Mississippi : Walker ; 6, 7 Howard ; 3, 6, 10, 14 Smedes and Marshall; 31, 34, 40, 41, 42, 45 to last volume Missis- sippi; Freeman's Chancery ; Morris' State Cases. 2 Missouri. Missouri Appeals, vol. 7 to end. I, 2 Montana. I, 6, 7, 10, 16, 17, 45, 46, 47 New Hamp- shire ; Smith. New York : 2 Caines' Cases ; 66, 67 Barbour; i, 2 Jones and Spencer; Hall, 2 vols. ; Redfield, 5 vols. ; Tucker ; Code Reports, N. s. ; Rogers' City Hall Recorder, 6 vols. ; Wheel- er's Criminal Cases, 3 vols. ; Living- ston's Judicial Opinions. North Carolina : I Law Repository ; 2 Iredell's Equity ; 64 N. C. ; and any single reporter complete. Ohio: Tappan; Wright; Handy, 2 vols. ; Disney, 2 vols. 1 Oregon. Pennsylvania: Brightly; Browne, 2 vols. ; I Ashmead ; Ashmead, 2 vols. ; Miles, 2 vols. ; Parsons' Equity, 2 vols. ; Grant's Cases, 2 vols. ; Phila- delphia Reports, full set ; Pearson, both volumes ; Pittsburgh Reports, all ; Brewster, all ; i, 85 Pa. State ; I, 2 Pennypacker. South Carolina: 3 Brevard; McCord, 4 vols. ; II, 12, 13, 14 Richardson's Law; 3,7,8,9, 10, II, 12 Richard- son's Equity ; l Strobhart's Law ; and all the volumes (both Law and Equity) of Mill, Bailey, Hill, Cheves, Riley, Dudley, Rice, Harper, Rich- ardson, and South Carolina. Tennessee : 2, 9 Humphreys ; 2 to 7 Coldwell ; 5, 7 Coldwell ; i, 2 Heis- kell ; all the late volumes. 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, ID, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24,26, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, to end, Texas. 9, 10, II, 12 Texas Court of Appeals. Vermont : N. Chipman ; D. Chipman, 2 vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 7. 12, 13. '6, 17, 22, 26. 32, 33, 34 Vermont. Virginia : Jefferson. 2, 3 West Virginia. Wisconsin : I Pinney ; 23 Wisconsin. I, 2 Wyoming. 25, 26, 27, 28 American Jurist. 2 Memphis Law Journal. I Internal Revenue Record. 26, 27 Monthly Law Reporter, Bos- BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, 10 ASHBURTON PLACE, BOSTON. Circulars, giving full information, sent upon application to EDMUND H. BENNETT, Dean. A.ddre8s Orders, Letters, and Memittances to