Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/83

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Legal Bibliography PUBLISHED AXD DISTRIBUTED GRATUITOUSLY AT IRREGULAR IXTEI;VALS, EY FREEMAN PLACE CHAPEL, I5l BEACON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. jN^o. 9. 5 Mr. Soule, in addition to publishing and importing, buys ) I and sells all kinds of law books, old as well as new. ji September, 1887 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. on r..ris. New e< Bargains Blackstone (with Portrait). Catalogues and Lists . . Cliitty's Equity Digest . . Comic Blackstone . . . Eiicydopccdia of Kqaiiy . English Cases (New) . . Eweli's Essentials, Vol. 3. Gossip Helps In Study of Law . . Index to Periodicals (New) Law Magazines (Good) S Law Schools 2 Legal Bums (A) S Legal Portraits, etc 9 Mass. Corporation Laws S New Mass. Digest 12 New Law Books . . . Notes Reprints of Official Nev Stimson's Statute Law . Supplement to Stimson FREEMAN PLACE CHAPEL: C. C. SOULES LAW BOOKSTORE. THIS cut, reproduced from a photograph, gives an excellent idea of Mr. Soule's new store. Freeman Place Chapel, built in 1S48, and hitherto used as a church, is 67 feet long, 58 feet wide, and 49 feet high. It is situated on Freeman Place, a narrow court leading from 15I Beacon Street, about half way between the State House and the Court House, and directly opposite the Boston Athenaeum. In order to adapt the Chapel to the pur- poses of a bookstore, the pews have been removed, and shelving has been built around the walls and from the pillars to the walls, giving it the appear- ance of a large librarj'. The vestrj' rooms below are used for packing-rooms, and for the storage of books in quantities. These premises are so roomy that they give ample space for the accommo- dation of customers and the accumulation of books. Lawyers visiting Boston are invited to call and see for themselves how well ecclesiastical archi- tecture serves for showing law books.