Page:Legislative Manual of the State of Ohio 1915-1916.pdf/110

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to the courts of common pleas created by this constitution, and proceeded in, as though the same had been therein instituted.

Sec. 14. The probate courts provided for in this constitution, as to all matters within the jurisdiction conferred upon said courts, shall be the successors, in the several counties, of the present courts of common pleas; and the records, files and papers, business and proceedings, appertaining to said jurisdiction, shall be transferred to said courts of probate, and be there proceeded in, according to law.

Sec. 15. Until otherwise provided by law, elections for judges and clerks shall be held, and the poll-books returned, as is provided for governor, and the abstract therefrom, certified to the secretary of state, shall be by him opened, in the presence of the governor, who shall declare the result, and issue commissions to the persons elected.

Sec. 16. Where two or more counties are joined in a senatorial, representative, or judicial district, the returns of election shall be sent to the county having the largest population.

Sec. 17. The foregoing constitution shall be submitted to the electors of the state, at an election to be held on the third Tuesday of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, in the several election districts of this state. The ballots at such election shall be written or printed as follows: Those in favor of the constitution, "New constitution, Yes;" those against the constitution, "New constitution, No." The polls at said election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten o'clock A. M., and closed at six o'clock P. M.; and the said election shall be conducted, and the returns thereof made and certified, to the secretary of state, as provided by law for annual elections of state and county officers. Within twenty days after such election, the secretary of state shall open the returns thereof, in the presence of the governor; and, if it shall appear that a majority of all the votes, cast at such election, are in favor of the constitution, the governor shall issue his proclamation, stating that fact, and said constitution shall be the constitution of the state of Ohio, and not otherwise.

Sec. 18. At the time when the votes of the electors shall be taken for the adoption or rejection of this constitution, the additional section, in the words following, to-wit: "No license to traffic in intoxicating liquors shall hereafter be granted in this state; but the General Assembly may, by law, provide against evils resulting therefrom," shall be separately submitted to the electors for adoption or rejection, in form following, to-wit: A separate ballot may be given by every elector and deposited in a separate box. Upon the ballots given for said separate amendment shall be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, the words: "License to sell intoxicating liquors, Yes;" and upon the ballots giyen against said amendment, in like manner, the words: "License to sell intoxicating liquors, No." If, at the said election, a majority of all the votes given for and against said amendment, shall contain the words: "License to sell intoxicating liquors, No," then the said amendment shall be a separate section of article fifteen of the constitution.

Sec. 19. The apportionment for the house of representatives, during the first decennial period under this constitution, shall be as follows:

The counties of Adams, Allen, Athens, Auglaize, Carroll, Champaign, Clark, Clinton, Crawford, Darke, Delaware, Erie, Fayette, Gallia, Geauga, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Hocking, Holmes, Lake, Lawrence, Logan, Madison, Marion,