Page:Legislative Manual of the State of Ohio 1915-1916.pdf/89

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stating the name and crime of the convict, the sentence, its date, and the date of the commutation, pardon, or reprieve, with his reason therefor.

Sec. 12. There shall be a seal of the state, which shall be kept by the governor, and used by him officially; and shall be called "The Great Seal of the State of Ohio."

Sec. 13. All grants and commissions shall be issued in the name and by the authority of the state of Ohio; sealed with the great seal; signed by the governor, and countersigned by the secretary of state.

Sec. 14. No member of congress, or other person holding office under the authority of this state, or of the United States, shall execute the office of the governor, except as herein provided.

Sec. 15. In case of the death, impeachment, resignation, removal or other disability of the governor, the powers and duties of the office, for the residue of the term, or until he shall be acquitted, or the disability removed, shall devolve upon the lieutenant governor.

Sec. 16. The lieutenant governor shall be president of the senate, but shall vote only when the senate is equally divided; and in case of his absence, or impeachment, or when he shall exercise the office of governor, the senate shall choose a president pro tempore.

Sec. 17. If the lieutenant governor, while executing the office of governor, shall be impeached, displaced, resign or die, or otherwise become incapable of performing the duties of the office, the president of the senate shall act as governor until the vacancy is filled, or the disability removed; and if the president of the senate, for any of the above causes, shall be rendered incapable of performing the duties pertaining to the office of governor, the same shall devolve upon the speaker of the house of representatives.

Sec. 18. Should the office of auditor, treasurer, secretary, or attorney general become vacant, for any of the causes specified in the fifteenth section of this article, the governor shall fill the vacancy until the disability is removed, or a successor elected and qualified. Every such vacancy shall be filled by election, at the first general election that occurs more than thirty days after it shall have happened; and the person chosen shall hold the office for the full term fixed in the second section of this article.

Sec. 19. The officers mentioned in this article shall, at stated times receive for their services, a compensation to be established by law which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which they have been elected.

Sec. 20. The officers of the executive department, and of the public state institutions shall, at least five days preceding each regular session of the General Assembly, severally report to the governor, who shall transmit such reports, with his message, to the General Assembly.

Article IV.


Section 1. The judicial power of the state is vested in a supreme court, courts of appeals, courts of common pleas, courts of probate, and such other courts inferior to the courts of appeals as may from time to time be established by law. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)