Kosraean and English languages. A copy of all ordinances must be sent to the Office of the Governor, the Office of the Speaker, the Office of the Chief Justice, and a copy of all ordinances must be placed in a public place so that all citizens of Lelu Town may be informed of its contents.
Section 1. All elected and appointed officials of the Lelu Town Government must take an oath of office prior to beginning their duties. The oath of office shall be:
"I, , swear I will honor and uphold the Charter and ordinances of Lelu Town, the Constitution and laws of the State of Kosrae, and I declare myself to perform my public duties faithfully in the public interest to the best of my abilities. So help me God."
Section 1. The Charter of Lelu Town shall take effect on the second Tuesday of January, 1989, except the first election under this Charter shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November, 1988. Persons elected at this election shall take office at noon on the second Tuesday of January, 1989.
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