Page:Leskov - The Sentry and other Stories.djvu/104

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The Lady Macbeth of the Mzinsk District

"We shall bring all your actions to the light, Katerina Lvovna," said Zinovey Borisych after a long pause, frowning at her.

"Your Katerina Lvovna is not easily frightened; she is not much afraid of that," she answered.

"What's all this?" cried Zinovey Borisych raising his voice.

"Nothing—it's all over," answered his wife.

"Well—you just take care, you're getting too talkative!"

"Why can't I talk?" exclaimed Katerina Lvovna.

"You ought to have been more cautious."

"I have nothing to be cautious about. Much I care for what long-tongued vipers may have told you. Am I to put up with all sorts of abuse? That's something new."

"There are no long tongues; but they know all about your amours."

"About which of my amours?" cried Katerina Lvovna, getting angry in earnest.

"I know very well which."

"If you know, what then? You'd better be a little more explicit!"

Zinovey Borisych was silent and again pushed his cup towards her.

"Apparently you have nothing to say," cried Katerina Lvovna with contempt angrily throwing