Page:Leskov - The Sentry and other Stories.djvu/324

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On the Edge of the World

my honest old monk, and in what a terrible heartrending condition! He had been quite frozen; he had been smeared with something and he was still alive, but the terrible stench that reached me when I approached him, told me that the soul that guarded this abode was leaving it. I raised the reindeer skin with which he was covered, and was horrified: gangrene had removed all the flesh from the bones of his legs, but he could still see and speak. Recognizing me, he whispered:

"Good day, Vladyko!"

With indescribable horror I looked at him, and could find no words.

"I was waiting for you, and now you have come. Thank God! You have seen the desert! What do you think of it? Never mind, you are alive, you have gained experience."

"Forgive me, Father Kiriak, for having brought you here."

"Enough, Vladyko! Your coming here will be blessed. You have gained experience, and can live. Shrive me quickly!"

"Very well," I said, "directly. Where have you placed the Holy Elements? Were they not with you?"

"They were with me," he announced, "but I have them no more."

"Where are they?"