Page:Leskov - The Sentry and other Stories.djvu/48

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The Sentry

"Your action deserves a reward."

The officer bowed gratefully.

"There is nothing to thank for," continued Kokoshkin. "I shall report your self-sacrificing act to His Majesty the Emperor, and your breast may be decorated with a medal even to-day. Now you may go home, have a warm drink, and don't leave the house, as perhaps you may be wanted."

The officer of the Invalid Corps beamed all over, bowed and retired.

Kokoshkin looking after him said:

"It is possible that the Emperor may wish to see him."

"I understand," answered the Inspector, with apprehension.

"I do not require you any more."

The Inspector left the room, closed the door, and in accordance with his religious habit crossed himself.

The officer of the Invalids' was waiting for the Inspector below, and they went away together much better friends than when they had come.

Only Svinin remained in the study of the Chief of Police. Kokoshkin looked at him long and attentively, and then asked:

"You have not been to the Grand Duke?"

At that time when the Grand Duke was men-