Abys. = Abyssinia (Abyssinian) Ap. = Apostle Ar. = Arabic Arm. = Armenia (Armenian) Bp. = Bishop Cath. = Catholic Chr. = Christian
Copt. = Coptic Ctple = Constantinople Emp. = Emperor Eth. = Ethiopia (Ethiopic) Jac.= Jacobite Kg. = King. Kath = Katholikos
Lit. = Liturgy Mal. = Malabar Mtr. = Metropolitan Nest. = Nestorian Orth. = Orthodox Prot. = Protestant Ptr. = Patriarch Syn. = Synod Syr. = Syria (Syriac)
Aba Salāma, title of Abys. Mtr., 295, 308
Abbas, Shah of Persia (1586-1628), 390
Abbasid Khalifs, 26, 92
'Abdu-lMasīḥ (Christodulos), Copt. Ptr. (1047-1077), 235-236, 334
'Abdu-lMasīḥ, Jac. Ptr. (1906), see Ignatius.
'Abdullah ibn 'Abdi-lMalik, Amir of Egypt (7th century), 229
'Abdullah ibn Sa'd, Amir of Egypt (7th century), 229
'Abdu-lHamid II, Turkish Sultan (1876-1908), 393
Abgar Ukkama, Kg. of Edessa, 29-31, 397
Abgar VIII, Kg. of Edessa (176-213), 32, 34
Abgar IX, Kg. of Edessa (216), 23
Abirad, Gregory, Kath. of Sis (1199), 389
Abraham, Arm. Kath. (607-615), 413
Abraham, Nest. Bp. (1903), 132
Abraham or Abira, Jac. anti-Ptr. (9th century), 334
Abraham, Malpan, Prot. Convert at Mal. (19th century), 370
Abraham of Kashkar († 586), Syr. Monk, 111
Abrahatu-lAshram, Abys. General (570), 298
Abreha, Kg. of Abys. (4th century), 294-295
Abū-Dakn, Copt, historian, 215
Abu-ḥalīm, Nest. lit. book, 143
Abūna, title of Abys. Mtr., 308-310; always a Copt. Monk, 296, 299
Abū Sarǵah (St. Sergius), church at Cairo, 266
Abu-sSaifain, see Mercurius
Abyssinia — races, 307-308; same as Ethiopia, 307; dependence on Egypt, 296-297, 299-300, 310; attempted independence, 301-302, 309; Jac. bp. in Abys., 335
Acacian schism (484-519), 195-199
Acacius, Bp. of Amida (5th century), 50