Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/46

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Should or might have been executed: No Appeals no except the Petion ſhall be within 6 Months, and unleſs the exceed 1000 Pagodas.Provided always, that Appeal ſhall be allowed by the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, unleſs the Petition for that Purpoſe ſhall be preferred within Six Months, from the Day of pronouncing the Judgment, Decree or Decretal Order complained of, and unleſs the Value of the Matter in Diſpute ſhall exceed the Sum of One Thouſand Pagodas.

Governor-General and Council, Chief and not to arreſted for Treaſon or Felony; Provided alſo, and We do hereby limit and declare, that the Perſon or Perſons of the Governor-General, or of any of the Council, appointed in and by the above recited Act of Parliament, or of the Chief Jyſtice, or any of the Juſtices of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, hereby erected and created, ſhall not, nor ſhall any of them reſpectively, be ſubject or liable to be arreſted, or impriſoned, upon any Action, Suit, or Proceeding in the ſaid Court, except in Caſes of Treaſon or Felony; nor ſhall the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, be competent to hear, try and determine, any Indictment or Information, againſt the ſaid Governor-General, or any of the ſaid Council, for the Time being, for any Offence, not being Treaſon or Felony, which the ſaid Governor-General, or any of the ſaid Council, ſhall or may be charged with having. committed, in Bengal, Babar, or Oriſſa, any Thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithſtanding; but in allſuch Caſes above-mentioned, wherein. a Capias, or Proceſs, for arreſting the Body is hereby given and provided, it. ſhall and may be lawful, for the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, their Goods and Eſtates may be ſeized and ſequeſtered to order the Goods and Eſtate of ſuch Perſons to be ſeized and ſequetered, until he or they'reſpectively ſhall appear, and yield Obedience to the Judgment, Decree, Decretal, or other Order or Rule of the ſaid Court.

Court Room for holding Court to be provided:And it is Our further Will and Pleaſure, and We do hereby direct, ordain. and appoint, that the ſaid Chief Juſtice, and other Juſtices, ſhall reſpectively aſſemble themſelves, in a proper Court Room,.to be by them appointed forthat