Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/108

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George and I had a long ride on an elephant, and it was much less rough than I expected. Captain Byrne told me the housekeepership of our house was vacant, and recommended its being given to Wright, who is to have charge of all the linen and furniture, and is paid rather more than 100l. a year. I offered it to her, and at first she refused it, and cried a great deal, and said she was not in want of money, and had come out solely on my account; and if this was to prevent her taking charge of me, she would rather have nothing to do with it. And I promised she should take as much charge of me as she liked, and that nobody else should dress me; and for all the rest she can give her own directions as to my gowns and frills, and will soon be glad enough to have the labour taken off her hands.

Saturday, March 12.

Got up at five in the morning—the jackals made such a noise all night. They very often walk through the passages of the bungalows, but never attack anybody. At six we were all on board the ‘Soonamookie,’ and it was really a cool, delicious morning. Breakfasted at