Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/133

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farewell dinner. Captain Grey left only three to take care of the ship. The sailors were heard to say they were glad the officers were to have a treat; they had left plenty for them—to be sure, they would only have scrapings—but then their dinner was just such a one as the king would have, so the remains would do very well for the officers.

Thursday, March 31.

I sent for Dr. Nicholson—the Doyen of the medical tribe here—to consult with him as to our private doctor; it is so impossible to find anyone here who would suit us exactly, and old Dr. Nicholson immediately suggested, as his own idea, Dr. Drummond of the ‘Jupiter,’ whom he heard we had liked very much. I told him all the difficulties that had been made about it, which he laughed at as quite needless, and went off to consult the proper authorities, and came back armed with precedents and proofs, so then I sent for George, and it seems likely it will do. It will be a great comfort, we all like him so much, and he is older than any other we could have found here. Dr. Nicholson knew him very well during the three years Dr. Drum-