Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/144

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birthday in it—and several of them asked if they should go and see you, Robert, &c. They have no right to go, when I cannot see you; and to think that we have not yet been here five weeks! I should think it ought to count for the whole five years.

The tide served late, and we went up to Barrackpore by water. We are repairing and. furnishing, and cannot have much company. Dr. Drummond came to stay with us to-day.

Saturday, April 9.

Some of the officers of the ‘Rose’ came before breakfast, to stay till Monday. I arranged with Captain Champney’s assistance, a sort of morning-room for the gentlemen, because I found that those who had nothing to do in their own bungalows strayed into my sitting-room, and it is surprising how small a show of fellow-creatures tires me in this climate. Went out on elephants. I rode with Captains Macgregor and Barrow, and —— borrowed ‘Jupiter,’ one of the young horses we brought from the Cape, which knocked him off the instant he got on. It was an unlucky day for riding: Captain Macgregor’s horse slipped down; then