Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/155

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of composing a single letter grows greater every day, as we have done our general descriptions, and there are no particulars that interest anybody at home.

I am quite well again to-day, and as there are only five, or at the most, six more weeks of this very hot weather, I expect to get through it without any more attacks. Then the rains will begin, and though they are hot, it is a different kind of heat.

I sent you, by the ‘Jupiter,’ two Chinese screens with raised figures, at least one of them I think had raised figures. I thought them pretty and new, which is not the case with most things at Calcutta.

Yours affectionately,
E. E.

Barrackpore, Thursday, April 28.

I sent off my packet to you per ‘Hindoostan,’ and also a letter to Sister. Miss Fane stayed with me till 6 p.m., and then went back to Calcutta and met George, &c., on the road down. I drove to meet them in the open carriage, but after waiting in the road till it was dark, I came back, not being able to explain to either of the

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