Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/181

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an unfinished bit of creation before the land and sea were put into their proper places.

Sunday, June 27.

We went to the old church: this is only the third Sunday we have passed in Calcutta. They give, by order of the bishop, the whole morning service here. It is much too long for the climate. At Barrackpore it is usually much shorter; but we had a good sermon from the archdeacon, and lived through it all. George and I took a ride in the evening.

Monday, June 28.

A quiet morning. —— and I went out ‘exploring’ in his pony-carriage, and lost ourselves, and came out on the high-road five miles from Government House, nearly at dinner time; but we made great discoveries in the way of mosques, and tanks full of lotus, and ‘noble savages running wild through the woods,’ and as we believe no European ever drove through these lanes before, we thought of putting up our pocket-handkerchiefs on some sticks, and of taking possession of the country; but I know that foolish East India Company