Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/242

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riority. It was really refreshing to hear those dear little cracked vaudeville airs—they are so merry and so un-languid. The actors had a supper after the play, and, as Mars told me, sang ‘des couplets charmants á l’honneur de milord.’ But the gaiety of the supper was checked by the actresses fainting away, owing to the heat and the fatigue of dressing.

On Wednesday, the 24th, we were not tired, or headached, because we had not been bored. Thursday, the 25th, we had an immense levee of those who did not come to the play, to show that they still visited us though we are so wicked, and of those who did, to say they were extremely amused, and should go on visiting us, because we are so pleasant. Captain —— sailed for China with Captain Stanley, and we do not expect him back for three months. He is very much reduced by his illness. We went up to Barrackpore in the evening.

Saturday, September 3.

Captain —— went to pass the day at the villa of Dwarkanauth Tagore, that native we went to see, who is the only man in the country who gives pleasant parties. He asked his guests