Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/249

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losing our eyesight from living so much in the dark, and George writes his away.

Ever yours, most affectionately,
E. E.

Government House, October 7, 1836.

Chance continues to be remarkably well, you will be happy to hear, or rather has become so, for he was very ailing at one time; but since I have allowed him to sleep under my punkah at night, and sent him out for a swim every morning and evening, his clear little constitution has righted. —— has taught him an immense variety of tricks, which he displays at dessert, and which not only make conversation in a country where that article does not abound, but which really do surprise some people not used to the highly educated modern dog. Mrs. —— was suddenly forced into an interminable fit of laughter by seeing Chance lie down on his back and feed himself with his hind paw, and she has not relapsed into gravity since. The servants now, seeing what a treasure he is, call him ‘Chance Sahib,’ and have got over