Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/256

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greatest treat they could have had: a popular government in short. But they have all called here this morning—out of the proper day—to express their happiness, and I am so tired I should like to cry. However, we are paid for it, I suppose.

My young ladies’ quadrille is all arranged—even the dress is made and the partners all named, which, to spare their feelings, I did from my own observation, and made Captain —— write a regular aide-de-camp’s invitation to join my quadrille; and I believe the right gentlemen are secured, with one melancholy exception—that of a gentleman who dances eternally with everybody, seeing that he has two feet; but he has only one hand—one real hand I mean—the other is made of iron, but seems to me to have as many joints as the real one. However, the young ladies all objected to the gentleman with the iron hand, and as he had made a great point of coming, we could only avoid him by pleading eight prior engagements.

Fanny is now going to get up a married ladies’ quadrille. We are doubtful about it, so it is going on in an underhand way by means of