Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/264

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Calcutta, Monday, November 14.

George is building a school in a corner of the park at Barrackpore, upon Captain Cunningham’s plan, and the schoolmaster is to be taken from the Hindu College, and to teach the little Barrackporeans English. The school promises to be a very pretty building.

I found —— was going down to Calcutta after dinner on Sunday, in his boat, so I shipped off Rosina and old Anna, and most of my servants, who were too glad to get off a day sooner, and put myself into his boat at 8 p.m., and we were at Calcutta at 10 p.m. It was such a lovely evening on the water, and I escaped getting up at 5 a.m., which invariably makes me sick for the rest of the day. I often wonder what we shall do when we are in camp, and have to get up at 4 a.m.; we are all such bad hands at it, and we have heard shocking accounts of the bore and fatigue of the process.

My Singapore silk has arrived—a beautiful sort of gold and silver brocade, just made for a fancy dress; and it is lucky to have anything, for now this ball is near at hand the ladies are giving 1l. a yard for common satin for slips. We have also got a pair of beautiful bracelets